Ocean Eyes // Millie

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(Im trying to get better at describing things when i write, so bear with me)

Billie had always been told his eyes shined like little emeralds, but he never saw it. He'd look in the mirror and it looked like God looked at him, decided to vomit and make that his eye color. Or fell asleep in the middle of the day he wrote his self esteem.

Mike was his best friend. Mike's eyes were the color of the ocean. Billie could stare at those eyes for hours upon hours, and still not be tired of them.

Billie wanted to be more than friends to Mike, but they have been best friends for so long, it would be awkward.


Billie cried from his green, emerald eyes in his kitchen. He was making a microwaved mac' n' cheese. He was stirring the cheese when it hit him like a truck.

He would never have a chance with the ocean eyed boy.

"Hey, Bill...hey, are you alright?! Did Adrienne text you again? She isn't worth your time," Mike said, seeing his friend cry. Mike didn't like when Billie's ex, Adrienne, messaged him because it always made Billie cry and something inside him that hurt seeing his friend tear up. Little did he know, Billie was crying over him.

Mike walked over to the boy and held him in a hug. A warm, sweet hug. Billie loved it.

"Mikey?" Billie asked, just sitting in the warmth Mike's hug. Mike hummed, looking down at his green eyed friend.

"I'm not sad about Addie, it's something else," Billie said, looking up at his friend. Mike finger combed Billie's dark hair.

"What is it, Billie?"

"Uhh, well, umm, it's a long story, I don't wanna bother you..."

"You are my best friend, you can never bother me," Mike said, starting to rock the two. Billie frownes at those words. They felt like knives to his heart. Slowly piercing it, making it hurt and know that Mike will never be his.

"Are you sure?" Billie asked. He carefully looked up at the ocean eyes, trying not to get lost in them. He failed and felt relaxed in Mike's arms.

"I'm sure, I love you, Billie," Mike said. The two always said "no homo" but Mike left it out on purpose hoping Billie would notice. He didn't, he was too comforted by Mike to not see he didn't say "no homo".

"I love you too, Mike," Billie said back, a little tiredly. Mike nodded, lifting the smaller to move them off the floor.

He carefully carried Billie up the stairs, to his room. After setting Billie on his bed, Mike turned to leave before feeling a soft tug on his wrist. He turned back around to see Billie's green eyes looking at him.

"Mikey, do you think you could stay with me? Please?"

"Yeah, sure," Mike said, walking towards his friend. Billie shifted in his bed to make room for Mike. Mike squeezed in and immediately started to cuddle Billie. Billie didn't mind, in fact, he snuggled into Mike even more.

"Mike, can I tell you something?" Billie asked, carefully.

"Anything, I told you before, you aren't a bother, ever, I swear," Mike said, tightening his squeeze a little in a protective manner.

"Well, uh, earlier, um, I was crying because...because I love you. And not in a friend way, in a romantic way," Billie confessed, playing with his own fingers.

Mike carefully flipped Billie over to face him and held his chin. Billie searched the ocean eyes for any signs of Mike hating him, but found none. He only saw the same caring blue eyes.

"Billie, I love you too, you don't even understand," Mike said, with a soft smile. Billie smiled back and closed his eyes. He eventually fell asleep next to Mike, feeling happy that they both felt the same. Maybe they could actually date soon. But that's a story for another time.

(So its 3 am, i have school in 4 hours and i keep having nightmares so i give up on sleep, how are yall?)

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