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Delilah's POV

It has been hours since Miranda told me what was going on and why I was here. I was back in the room I woke up in but this time I was with Trevor. We were both impatiently waiting for Miranda to come back from whatever she was doing. The whole time I was thinking about everyone else, about Grayson, Ethan, Kyle, and Quinn. What if they were looking for me? I didn't even know where I was so how could they find me? For all I know I could be in the middle of the woods, or in another country.

I was wondering how much Miranda and everyone else at A.R.C.A.D.E. knew about me. As far as I could tell from the pictures that were shown to me, they have been looking out for me for several years now. There were so many thoughts roaming through my head, I couldn't even process all of them. I let out a deep sigh as I shook my head. All of this thinking won't solve my problems. If there is a way out of this, I should look for it. I looked at Trevor and saw he was in the same state as I was, rethinking all of our sins and doubt them. ''It's not helping,'' I said as I kept looking at him. He slowly lifted his head and I saw he was confused. ''All of the thinking, it won't help us,'' I said to him and I saw the regret in his eyes.

''If I didn't meet you, you wouldn't be here right now. You would be safe with your friends,'' Trevor said and I immediately shook my head at him.

''You shouldn't think like that, it was my decision to come with you. After all, we did a blood oath,'' I told Trevor to make him feel better. It wasn't his fault I chose to be by his side. I looked at my hand where the scar still was. My thumb traced upon it and I didn't regret the oath I took with him. He saved my life.

''You two are last,'' Miranda said as she came into the room. I looked up at her as she snapped me out of my thoughts. I frowned a bit at her until I remembered what she was talking about. Erasing our memories to become a different person. I inhaled deeply as I noticed Trevor becoming scared and anxious.

''I'll go first,'' I said to Miranda. A small smile formed on her face as she nodded at me. She came closer and handed over some papers. I looked at them and saw they were some kind of description of who the new me would be. ''Lily Danvers?'' I asked Miranda as I looked back at her. My hands were becoming sweaty as the moment came closer.

''That's going to be your new name,'' Miranda said and I slowly nodded at her.

''What's it going to be like?'' I asked Miranda as I was becoming more anxious by the minute. I slowly looked back at the papers as it had all the information I needed to become the new me.

''We will put you in a deep sleep, you won't feel a thing,'' Miranda said to comfort me. She came closer and sat down beside me. ''You will be fine,'' Miranda said as her smile grew bigger but gentle.

''Let's get this over with then,'' I said as I put the papers on the table and stood up from my seat. I looked at Trevor and gave him a reassuring smile. Miranda stood up as well and led me to another room down a few hallways. The whole room seemed to be like a surgeon's room but it somehow also didn't. The walls were as black as the others and the only light in the room was a red led light. In the middle of the room was an anesthesia chair. ''I suppose that's my seat?'' I asked as I was already walking towards it. I sat down slowly as a couple of guys were busy on a tablet or putting wires on my head and arms.

''We will put a small needle in your hand, just like how it goes in the hospital. You will feel a small pinch but soon you'll be in a deep sleep,'' Miranda explained as the men were already grabbing a needle and cleaning my hand to kill any bacteria. I looked up to Miranda who stood in front of me.

''Explain to me the plan once again, please,'' I asked her as I felt a little pinch in my hand. I clenched my jaw but regained my focus on Miranda quickly.

''Within now and an hour, you'll be Lily Danvers. Any memory of this past life will be erased and you won't remember a thing. See yourself as a computer program, we erase all the old files and download new ones, the better ones,'' Miranda explained. I slowly nodded as I thought of her example. I was a computer program who needed a fresh start.

''And my old friends? Family?'' I asked her as I thought of Ethan and Grayson. Just the thought of never seeing them again killed me already.

''Do not worry about that, Mrs. Scott,'' Miranda said as she started walking towards the door. ''You're ready,'' Miranda said as he back was faced towards me. It took her a few minutes to turn around like she was hiding something from me. ''May we meet again,'' Miranda said as she walked out of the room and took one last glance at me. Her disappearance was foggy to me like I was already half asleep and my body couldn't process much anymore. I blinked a few times, even wiped my eyes but as every second passed, I felt like every eye rub and blink was making me even more tired. Eventually, I gave in and let my body win. I was doing this to save my friends, my family. I was losing myself so they could find themselves. I was getting lost so they could be found

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