▪︎𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛▪︎

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Gone In The Night- Simon Minter

Requested by my internet friend Maya

It been almost a month since Maya and Simon broke up and the fans were disappointed, Maya looked after Simon, she looked after him and now he was a mess. However unlike Maya, he started dating someone almost a day after the breakup, apparently it was the same girl he slept with in the Sidemen House when Maya wasn't there. Maya and Simon had been friends since Secondary where JJ introduced the girl, he meet in a coffee shop, to Simon. The two started dating around year 10. Which was almost 10 years now, he flung away a 10 year relationship in a matter of seconds.

Maya was finally ready to get over the youtube sensation and decide to actually go out with her friends, they had been asking her to come out and get her mind off him since she found out he cheated. She had dressed into a dark purple, tight fitting dress that perfectly curved her hips with a pair of matching block heels and a white demin jacket over the top. Her long blonde hair was curled and fell in its curls almost naturally, and she wore minimal makeup which brought out her natural beauty.

▪︎Maya's POV▪︎
The smell of sweat and alcohol hit my senses as i walked in with my friends, all of which spilt of finding different men, so I decided to make a trip to the bar and get myself a drink. "Can I get a blueberry vodka lemonade?" I asked bartender over the loud song, he nodded and started on the drink as I turn to see all my friends dance seductively with their men who's hands were held either on their waists or on their ass. I grabbed my drink after handling the money and walked away with a soft smile. This drink really hit me as within seconds I was on the dance floor swinging my hips to the sound of the song as the man behind me lowered his hands to my ass, that's when I noticed him. There he was, in his 6'1 height, dressed in a cute light blue shirt and a pair of jeans, they were all here. He watched me as I move my body against another man. Simon starts making his way over to me almost instantly and the man I was dancing with ran off. The song switched onto 'Sorry, Not Sorry' By Demi. I felt a smile take over my face as I watched his hard face fall.

▪︎Simon's POV▪︎
From the second I walked in I spotted her, Maya Franzicks, the love of my life. She was beautiful now, she was pretty when we were dating but I guess I never treasured her enough to see her true beauty. I love every thing about her, but right now I didn't love that her hips were pressed against another man as she seductively danced against him. As I storm towards her, I noticed the other man made a run for it as I stopped right infront of her. Her smile lit up the room as a new song started. "Simon?" She asked as if I wanted something but I simply kissed her, she struggled at first but then melted into the kiss. "Maya... please listen to me." I breathe out as she broke the kiss.

Maya's POV

I raised one of my perfectly shaped eyebrows at him as if to continue. "You have to un...understand I didn't cheat on you, I beat Josh in a FIFA match and he told Talia that I liked her, wh....which I d..didn't, so naturally she kissed me but I didnt kiss back. When i heard you cough i wanted to cry, I turned to see your sad yet beautiful face but as soon as I started talking you were GONE. I haven't been the same, I love you." He cried lightly which made me feel genuine sad for him. "Fight for it, if you love me then fight for me, Simon. I lost your trust the day you didn't push her back, now earn it. I'm done Simon, sorry, not sorry." I said talking to the boy towering over me as tears threaten to fall. He had glazed tears within his swirls of blue, I could no longer look him in the face so I turned around and wipe my tears away as I walked only for someone to grab my wrist and spin me to face him and within seconds his warm lips were pressed against my cold ones once more. I broke the kiss and pulled my wrist from his grip, I looked him dead in the eyes and say "you have given me purpose, our journey is coming to an end Simon." After that I spin on my heels and walk outside for fresh air. I let my body fall to the cold floor as I sit in the curb across the street. The tears started falling from my eyes like rain on a cloudy day, my eyes reddening due to the cold as I weep onto the floor. That's when I felt his presence against me again, he had pulled his jackets over my shivering body as he sat next to me. I look up to see the figure, Jide's face was what I met. "Are you okay Sunflower?" He asked as he wiped away my tears. JJ had always called me sunflower and I never knew why, he never told me. " Not to good JJ, why do you call me sunflower?" I asked burying my face in his chest as the rain pour harder. "Because Maya when me and Simon met you, you lifted our spirts, you made us feel protected and made us be who we are today. You are the Sun in our dark lives." He said calmly, a tone that he only speaks to me in. "If I was the sunshine why is Simon taking away my light?" I said as JJ played with my now brown hair due to the rain. "Maya, he loves you, I've seen it with my own two eyes. The second you left he broke down, he has stayed in his room for weeks. You leaving him really messed him up, he hadn't showered in days, he barely ate. Maya you were his ray of light and when you left he became dull, dark." JJ says telling me the truth. "He loves you Sunflower, ever since that day when you met him in the playground back in secondary, his world became sunny and colourful. Do you really think Simon would do something like that to you?" JJ said again spotting Simon walk out the club. "Jide, even after all this time I've loved him, and I never stopped, he's my rock, I love him." I says crying. "Maya?" Simon asked from behind us and I rush into his chest crying. "I love you, I love you, I'm sorry i love you." I muttered into his neck as he picked me up like a baby. "Its okay baby, I love you." He says stroking my hair. "Lets get you home Darling." Simon said as he started walking down the dark alleyway into the streets of London with Jide following him.

And just like that they were GONE in the night.

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