▪︎𝙹𝙹 𝙾𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚓𝚒▪︎

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Something Strange With Her- JJ Olatunji

JJ was dating a girl from up north, her name Y/N. She was a special kind of girl and he loved her, however everyone started to notice the little things about her. Like how her eyes would wander of the group and stare at a wall, but it looked like she'd look at something else. And how sometimes they would hear her talking to someone late at night but there was nobody else wake.

The sidemen were heading to Talhenbont Hall to spend the night as they were filming top secret video aka the sidemen series, so they asked his girlfriend to come along to and she agreed.

"So they are 5 bedrooms, we had a look around the bedrooms in Simons video. And we all gave up." Vik said to the camera as he walked through into where everyone was sat.

"And Y/N is here too." He sat pointing to the girl trapped in JJ's arms but she stopped struggling and waved to the camera.

"Right I'm off to bed." She said and JJ let the girl go, he expected her to make her way over to the empty mattress in the middle of the room but she made her way to the stairs. JJ didn't think much of it and snuggled up to Simon. It had been 20 minutes since she disappeared through the door and things downstairs stared to get weird. Vik could have sworn he heard the back door swing up and slam shit but they had locked it. Then the creaky footsteps going up the stairs.

The y/h/c coloured girl was changing out of her outfit which was jeans and a blouse and into an pair of PJ shorts and the sidemen hoodie when she felt the presence behind her. She had just pulled the black material over her head when she spotted the figure. Causing the girl to scream and fall to the floor. This figure was a misty blue in colour and looked like it had been in water.

The boys downstairs heard the scream and her fall, all of them stare at the ceiling deciding on who should check on her. The figure made her way towards her.

It was a girl, she had what looked like frost growing on her cheeks and nose.

"Hello?" Y/N called looking at the girl. She knew since she was 14 that she could see ghosts, she figured out when she spotted the figure of her father standing by her mother when she tried explaining he died in the army.

"Hello, I'm Mary Anna. And you are?" This girl asked in a posh voice but looking at her attire she clearly wasn't rich.

"I'm Y/N." Y/N said as she made her way over to her bed. And the figure followed her.

"How did you die?" Y/N asked as she tied her hair out of her face. And this girl cocked her head at her, almost like she was confused.

"Well, it was April the 14th. And I was aboard the ship of dreams. She was beautiful honestly. I had met this boy and he was on the higher floors meaning his was higher class. He was called Eustace, he was a beautiful man. He had long black hair and the prettiest green eyes. I remember it so vividly, we were dancing. Laughing and drinking. But then we were all sent to bed, Eustace took me with him to my compartment.

It was early in the morning now and we were laid in the bed. When we felt it. Water, it was filling the room. So we made a dash for it but we were to late. The ship was sinking. I tried to jump but I remember a pulling felling and I was took under with the ship. I remember the water filling my lungs as I tried to scream for help, but it was too late. I must have drowned because the next thing I know is I'm in a black empty place." This woman, Mary Anna, told Y/N who said and listened to every word.

"Do you regret it? Do you reget getting on board." Y/N asked with wide eyes looking at girl who looked around her age sat on the bed with her. And this girl shook her head.

"Oh no, not at all. Although sometimes, I sit and wonder what my life would have been like if I listened to my father." The girl said and Y/N was enchanted, she wanted to learn more. Josh amd Vik were making their way up the stairs to check on her and Harry. The two just arrived at the top and her door slammed shut, locking instantly.

"Take my hand." Thsi girl whispered and Y/N looked towards the door where her friends are.

"But..." Y/N started but the girl cut her off.

"They will be okay, I'll ask Monty to leave them be." The girl said and Y/N slowly placed her hand in this woman's and a bright light appeared. The two disappeared right before Josh's eyes as they got in. All that was left of her was a locket that JJ had given her. When he returned down the stairs to JJ holding the locket he panicked.

"Where did you get that?" JJ asked standing up and hitting Simon on the chest with his foot.

"She.....she's gone." Josh cried looking at all they had left of the girl and JJ dropped to his knees in pain, he screamed and cried which caused Harry to come down the stairs confused.

"Where are we going?" Y/N asked the girl as they traveled though a pure black land.

"Now you see pretty, that's up to you to decide. You have been given the chance to change one thing from your past life. Just walk through their once you are done it remember if you don't return within the next minute awful things will happen." Mary told the girl pushing her to a single door. Y/N looked at the girl and thought of a memory but none came to her, suddenly the door slammed open and she was pulled inside.

There was a small girl sat on a table, she looked barely the age of 16. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and was eating a packet of cheese puffs. Y/N looked over tot ue calendar and a dry sob left her throat. It was the day that her best killed herself. She made the girl send a quick text asking her to hang out and then made her way ti her house. She saved her.

Not even a minute later older Y/N walked back through the door and she was hit with a bright light.

"Well done." She hears someone whisper before she began falling. The next thing she knew she had landed on the bed in a gruff and looked around the room, everything looked the same. She traveled down the stairs to find all the guys still cuddled up to each other and she even spotted her best friend snuggled into Ethan's chest. She found her way over to JJ, who was gripping onto the locket and found herself in his arms and fell asleep.

And nobody talked about it ever again.

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