▪︎𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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Prom With Him- Harry Lewis

Here she sat, hugging her knees to her chest wondering. Wondering what would have happened if she had asked Harry to prom. She felt horrible, her y/h/c was curled was in a cure bun with a few curls framing her face, the makeup still on her face. And her dress, she was beginning to feel uncomfortable wearing her prom dress as she cried. Her phone has been thrown at the wall a few minutes early, no doubt it was smashed and it was making loads of noises. Until the familiar tune rang out, the familiar song of 'break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored' came through as her screen illuminated. She sucked in a breath as she picked up the phone, a picture of the two of them. It was her mums wedding to her step dad, and her mum found Y/N abd Harry messaging around in the creek. The phtot was a picture of her in some beautiful lavender dress but caked in mud and Harry in a black suit looking the same, they were smiling at each, the look in their eyes. She tried to regain her breathing as she answered the phone.

Y/N Harry

Hey Bubs, where are you?
Sorry Hazza but I don't think i will be able to make it.
No shut up Bubs I'll be there soon.
No no no you don't have to I think i'll just stay at home.
And let me show up with my partner in crime no way, I'm almost there.

Before she could say another word he had hung up causing her to begin to rush around. She quickly wiped her face clean and started applying another layer of foundation. When she was satisfied with herself she made a movement to go down the stairs. As she reached the top the doorbell rang and Sally was already there inviting the person in. There he was in all his glory, his blonde hair has been fluffed making it look like she'd ran her fingers through it, he looked smart in his grey suit with a yellow tie. He even had grey shoes to match, he looked great. And he was holding a red velvet box.

"Is Y/N ready?" Harry asked looking around and not seeing her. She could her cue to walk down the stairs and his eyes snapped to her,.wide eyes and opened mouth. Sally just laughed ag the boy and placed her finger under his open jaw and shut his mouth.

"Woah, you look...amazing." He said not looking way from the beautiful girl who had a red blush making her way up her neck.

She was wearing a beautiful yellow dress that was slightly puffy and it reminded him of Belle. She reached the bottom of the stairs and he lead his hand out for her to take. Y/N smiled taking his hand and joining him at his side.

"This is for you." Harry muttered shoving the box to her as she looked up at him, her y/e/c coloured eyes shining with wonder. Slowly she took the box and opened it, inside was the most beautiful set of jewellery she had ever seen. It was a pure gold necklace that was a lovlet and shaped with a heart and a small coin like shape. A beautiful gold ring that has a small little pearl in the middle, and a bracelet, well two bracelets. One of them was a golden chain and had small little charms, she looked through them and realised they all were sinething important to them. The other bracelet was what seemed to be a childish friendship bracelet, the one she had made him all those years ago.

"Oh Harry." She whispered as he spun her around to put the necklace on her.

"I can't take this, this is so expensive." She muttered as she felt the cold metal touch her skin. However he moved his face closer to her and she felt his warm breath near her right ear.

"You deserve it." He told her as he pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. Sally was looking at the two like a proud mother. He pulled the ring put and picked up her hand. She giggled as he bowed and kissed her hand like she was a princess.

"Y/N....will you give me the honour of taking you to prom?" Harry asked and she nodded so he slipped the ring on her finger.

"Alright you two, it's a prom proposal not a real one." John, her stepfather said walking in smiling. Even though John was her stepdad, she thought of him as her dad seeing as hers walked out on them when she was 5.

"Hey Dad." She smiled as the older man took his daughter in his arms.   However she want an only child, she had Jacob, her step brother who was 5 years older then her. However at the moment he was serving in America. Unknowingly to her that he was driving his way to the location of her prom, to surprise her. Sally and John took tons of photos of the two before they left to go get dinner. The two walked into the small diner near where they lived and Y/N breathed in the air, it always smelt like waffles in here. Andra the manager made their way over smiling at the couple.

"Well well well if it isnt my favourite none couple, Y/N and Harry." She called making her way over to the two.

"Hey Andy." The two said smiling brightly as she lead them to a table in the far corner and handed Y/N a cloth. So she looked at her confused.

"So you don't ruin your dress sweetie." Andy said patting the girl on the head and making her way to the kitchen already knowing what the two would order. They sat and talked for another as they shared a plate of chocolate pancakes. They were just finishing up their Choco/Cherry sundaes when Harry's phone buzzed in his pocket. He opened the notification and smiled brightly. He grabbed the girls hand and he ran outside as Andy called to them.

"Its on the house lovebirds." She smiled watching Harry to rush the girl into the car, even she knew that Jacob would be waiting for her.

Two hours later she sat one of the tables out of breath as she spent the while time dancing with Harry and their friends. Until the room went pitch black.

"Harry, what's going on?" Sh ecro3r wrapping her arm around his as the doors opened and light filled the room. She gasped, he was here.

"Jacob!" She screamed as she made her way through the crowd to her step brother who was like her older brother. He stood by the doors wearing his uniform and holing two flowers.

"Y/N!" He said as she jumped into his arms and began sobbing.

"I missed you." She cried into his chest as Harry made his way over.

"Harry? It's been a while, thank you." Jacob said clasping his hand on the boys shoulder as Y/N pulled back looking over to her best friend.

"You knew." She shouted hitting his chest jokingly as they laughed.

"Of course when he found out that I loved his little sister he wanted to see her." Hary told the girl and Y/N froze looking over the boy she had liked since she was 13.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" Harry whispered and Y/N grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a kiss. Everyone in the room clapping and Jacib smiled at the two, inking they secretly liked each other since they were kids.

"I love you." She whispred putting her forehead against his.

"I love you." He told her remembering that she didn't believe in I love you too, she didn't quite trust them to actually love her. The two kissed again and carried on dancing as Jacob made his way over to all his old school teachers, all of them surprised that the young boy who wanted to be doctor ended up in the army.

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