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Videogames and Moaning- Vikram Barn

Bored was an understatement of what she was feeling right know. A few more minutes and Wthan would be home, thank god. She was craving something, a need. She need something and she needed it now. Her head rested against the arm of the sofa with her legs tangling over the side. Her foot tapping to the beat of the song playing though her headphones. Bik was in the other room preparing for a livestream. It had been almost a hour since he went in the office and her boredom was increasing.

"Y/N?" She heard Vik call and she was up in seconds. Vik greeted her as she walked in the room. One if the computers showed the game they were playing and the other he was face timing the boys. Njt she was ready and always got what she wanted. So sitting on his lap she waved at the boys playing the game.

"Yes Vikky?" She slured running her finger against his jaw making him stiffen. Her wide eyes filled with lust and warm breath.

"Don't call me that." He muttered as he tried not to think about her, the image of her wearing nothing appearing in his head. Her soft skin beneath his fingers.

"What would you prefer me to call you? Daddy." She askedenaing in and muttering the last part in his ear, the bulge in his pants hardening. He couldn't let her get to him, he was quite literally playing a game with the boys. But the way she pressed against him was turning him on.

"Right, I'm going to order food. See you later boys." Vik announced to the boys as Y/N giggled, she got her way. They rolled there eyes and bid him farewell, he'd join back nina short amount of time. So closing his computer he grabbed the girls thighs. She was straddling him now, a innocent smile etched on her face. She already knew she got her way.

"Why did you do that?" He asked pressing his lips against her neck earning a stifled moan from her.

"Because I need-" She stared buy was cut of by a moan as he lightly kissed her sweet spot. An exposed place right between her neck and collar. She was moaning his name as he traced over her hips.

"Baby Girl, right here." He asked and Y/N nodded her head against him. Without another word she had been pressed against the desk, her face flushed against the wood. Her warm breath allowing a layer of condensation to be created on the wood. His hands grasping the skin of her thighs spreading her legs. Her white booty shorts pressed against his sidmen shorts, his bulge poking her butt.

"You've been really naughty baby girl." He told her as he leaned over her, moving her hair from the back of her neck along his warm breath to drift over her skin.

"T...then...do...some...something.. about..I.. it." She moaned out as her boobs started to get against the wood. Amd the breath wa slashed out of her as he flipped her over to face him, her face blushed wince she found his lust filled eyes. His skin was boiling against hers. Vik didn't have to be told twice and was immediately tugging on her tye dye sidemen shirt, pulling the material from her skin. Leaving her in her white shorts and dark blue bra. Hooking his fingers under the straps, Y/N pulled him closer to her. Their lips mashing together in desperation. Their hopes buckling together.

"Please." Sue begged as their bodies meshed together, he gave her a cheeky grin and pulled his pink short over his head before capturing her lips once more. In an act of desperation she started to pull down his shorts as did he.

She gave a small cry as he pushed into her, warmth filling her. He slowly thrusted into her once more knocking the table against the wall slightly, earning a moan. Her lips found his neck as he repeatedly began thrusting into her, moaning and grunts.

"VIKKK!" She cried as.she felt the pressure in her stomach he just smiled before capturing her lips. This continued for about 10 minutes until Vik felt like he was going cum.

"I'm gonna cumm." He moaned out, his breath tingling the skin of her neck as he continued to pound into her. All he got was a chain of moans in approval.

Soon they were done and cleaned, sat in his seat ready to film once more. So turning on the screen he was ready. However the sight of the side men's wide eyes stare back at him. He hadn't tuned the computer off, they heard everything. She sat in his laid and stated blushing once she saw the boys.

"Hi." She said shyly waving at her best friends who all cursed into laughter, giggling and red faced.

"So. You had fun?" She heard JJ ask as she flushed a bright red and curled into Vik. Hoddeming her face in his shoulder as they all laughed. But she ignored them, curled unto Vik's chest as he placed kisses on her forehead. She had never been happier.

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