▪︎𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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Into Minecraft- Harry Lewis

"Hey Y/N?" She heard the boy ask over the sidemen call, Y/N swirling in her chair to face him.

"Yes Bog." She giggled through the ball up in the air and caughting it again. The Ethan, Vik and JJ were bickering about something again.

"Do you want to play minecraft with me?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck as he looked rather through the screen. The girls face lit up in a bright smile.

"Sure, give me a second I'll start up the world." She told him before she started clicking and waiting for the game to load up.

"Bye guys, talk to you later. Love you all." Harry told the group before logging out of chat and also starting up minecraft. Y/N waved at the camera as Harry sent her a call invite. For some reason her system was being strange and had a red flickering light. With a slap to the side it flashed green and Minecraft loaded up. She hummed in content as she sent Harry an invite.

"You ready?" She asked the Guernsey boy who gave her a nod and clicked on a brand new survival world but it appeared to be buffering.

"Sorry about that bog my system is acting up again." She told him as her screen flashed a bright white then black. However before Harry could answer he felt a pulling sensation cover his body and slammed his eyes shut in instantly out of instinct.

He opened his eyes to find himself in a empty field, a thick dark forest to the right of him and small village. But just in front of him was a beach, soft sand and crystal clear water. Only bad thing was everything seemed to be more block like then usual. Seconds later he heard a scream from behind him, cranking his head back he found Y/N sitting in the field looking around in fear. She looked like normal but her outfit had changed. No longer was she wearing the blue shirt and sweat pants, now she was wearing a pair of denim shorts, a white tee with a flannel over the top. Her purple fluffy socks were now a pair of black boots and she wore a red rose flower crown. It was her minecraft skin.

"Harry?" She called standing up looking around for him, panicking when she didn't spot the blonde haired boy. Tears slipped out of her eyes as she thought she was alone, her breathing picked up. She was having a panic attack.

"Y/N! I'm here, your okay." He whispered as he cradled her in his arms, into then too he realised he was to wearing the clothes his minecraft skin he used, a blue hoodie, grey trousers and blue trainers.

"Where are we?" She cried, hot tears soaking Harry's jumper as he cradled her in his lap. This allowed Harry to get a proper look at their surroundings.

"My best bet is minecraft." He told her as she lifted her head from his shoulder, blocks that's all she could see for miles. Ten minutes later the two finally got up and decided to well play minecraft. She stare at the tree, wondering what to do. Should she just punch it? Will it hurt? Slowly bringing her hand back she punched the tree, it didn't even hurt at all so she did it again. Amd again and suddenly the tree she band been punching just popped and disappeared. A couple of blocks now laying on the ground, alongside 2 apples and a couple of sticks.

"Wow!" She muttered as she picked up the items. Holding them, not knowing where to out them. Before she felt the bag on her back. A brown satchel bag, the inventory. Her stomach growled with hunger, only then did she realise how long she had been here. She needed food. Looking around she found Harry chopping down trees with a axe. Noticing some sheep a short walk away she decided to craft herself an axe, a stone one to be exact. Like she expected the axe was heavy to hold. She didn't dare look at the sad eyes of sheep as she brought down the axe. A swift pop sound later and she opened her eyes. A bundle of wool and a few piece of mutton lay on the ground, no dead carcass like she expected.

Very quickly the sun was settling behind the trees reminding the two how quickly days in minecraft go. And the two of them where running into the village before the mobs started to spawn. Seeing as they didn't have enough wool to make a bed the two simply sat on the roof of the villagers house, watching the stars.

"Hey Harry, do you think we will ever get out?" She questioned moving her gaze from the sky to the boy beside her.

"Of course Y/N, we have to." He muttered placing a torch down as a source of warmth. Y/N simply laid down moving her gaze back into the sky.

"What if we don't?" She whispered as Harry lays beside her, the small gusts of wind chilling them.

"We will!" Is all Harry said before he rolled over and faced the right, his back to Y/N. A tear running down her cheek. Surely their had to be a way out.

A day had passed and Harry hadn't talked to her at all, he spent the whole day making them a small house as Y/N simply farmed from the villagers giving the two food. Soon enough it was turning night time again, only this time they had beds to sleep in. The smell of cooking porkchop filled her senses as she walked into the house. Harry was eating on a porkchop and from what she could see there was one for her too.

"Your not mad at me, are you?" She asked taking a bite of the porkchop.

"Of course not. What makes you think that?" Harry questioned as he finished his pork chop. Looking at the girl shrink under his sight.

"I just thought since you were ignoring me-" she started but Harry cut her off.

"I'm sorry, I just want to get home. I need to get home." He muttered watching the girl eat, the sky outside already darkening, grey clouds luring over the house.

"Let's get to bed huh?" Harry says and Y/N nodded, finishing off her porkchop and following the boy up the stairs. To find a single bed in the room, pushed against the left wall. A thick red blush spread across her cheeks as she realized they would be sharing the bed. Removing his shoes Harry climbed into the bed, watching Y/N as she took of the flower crown, boots and the flannel. And she joined him in the bed.

"Goodnight Bubbs." Harry whispered into the darkness as their backs face each other.

"Goodnight Bog." She muttered solely drifting of into a deep sleep. During the night, the two had rolled back over and Y/N had her head in Harry's shoulder with her arm across his chest with their legs tangled. Harry's head in her hair as they slept soundlessly.

The pair of pure white eyes watching their every move, but they didn't know that yet.

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