▪︎𝙹𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚊 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚢▪︎

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Triwizard Tournament- Joshua Bradley

Part 3- The Yule Ball

Another groan passed her lips as she flipped the page, the old mythology book on her lap. Another whispered of freezing cold air drifted through the open window. Giggling surrounded her, everyone wanted to talk to the champions. Boys and girls were at Y/N and every champion at every chance, all ot them wanted to be their dyaes to the Yule ball. It was a day away and most people still didn't have a date. All these people wanted to be her date but not a single one asked her. The person she really want to ask her was a champion himself and champions going together was unheard off. Another large giggle came from the group spying on her as someone tumbled into the cove she sat in. He walked over to her and held out his hand, the girl raising her head from the book. Tobi stood above her with a shy smile on his face so she took his warm hand and he helped her up. He rubbed the back of his neck as she brushed down her skirt. She wore a simple beige mini skirt and a emerald green jumper.

"You know you look gorgeous." Tobi told the girl causing a blush to spread across her cheeks, her freckles darkened. She pushed him by the shoulder a bit causing him to stumble and laugh.

"Hey Tobi." She asked, playing with a strand of her hair, then the pleated skirt. The boy simply cooked his head at the now nervous girl.

"Will you go to the ball with me?" She asked and the crowd of people gasped. They all thought he was to ask her bot the other way round. He gave her a bright smile and nodded. Taking her hand in his.

"Of course I will, wear something green." He said kissing her cheek causing the blush to darken and spread down her neck.

"See you at the stairs.  She whispered before shutting the book. The kiss lingering on his cheek as she practically bounced through the aisles. Waving at madam prince who grinned at her, Y/N was the only person who Madam Prince as actually liked so she let the girl take books as she knew she'd return them exactly the same.

The clock was ticking, some people waited inside others waited in the corridor. The sidemen stood in the hall waiting on one specific champion. As usual the Slytherins girl was late, it was in her nature. But no doubt would be fashionable late. Then she arrived. The beauty herself wore a beautiful dress. It sparked in the light. It was an emerald green in colour of course and had the most beautiful neckline. Her hair was straighten and placed in the most elegant bun at the nap of her neck. The most amazing necklace hung at her neck, it was diamond encrusted along side her earrings and simple silver heels.

"Woah!" She heard JJ mutter as she descended down the steps, she was only coming down them because one of the Gryffindor girls requested her to get ready in the Gryffindor common room, Simon's girlfriend Taila. She looked beautiful. Tobi walked to the stairs and held out his hand for her to take, a bright smile lifting onto her face as she grabbed it. Helping her down the rest of the stairs. Josh looked gobsmacked. She was insanely gorgeous. Almost like a Princess. The potions teacher rounded up the champions and their dates so she could finally figure out who was going with who. The Gryffindor Champion, Will, held this girl called Mia's hand, Y/N shared her room with the girl in the Slytherin rooms. Josh was here with the most beautiful girl in his year, a blonde girl called Freya. Lewis stood by this girl dressed in a silky silver dress, one of the Hufflepuff's in his year. Amd Y/N came with Tobi. Tobi looked amazing, he wore a tight fitting hunter green suit. Everyone who was still outside was ushered inside minus the champions. Draco ran around them trying to perfect everything, a ugly scowl on his face, the potions teacher wasn't happy. And it began. They were lead inside, gasps and hollering for the Champions.

"Y/N with Tobi? I thought she'd come with Josh."

"Wow Y/N is HOTT."



"Oh my look at Mia, shes so pretty."

"Who is that with Lewis?"

"Is that Freya?"

The voices surrounded her almost made her laugh as the sweet melodic tune called out. The waltz beginning immediately. The night was a blur, laughing and dancing with her friends felt nice. They hadn't had fun since the start of the tournament. She was twirled by Simon, JJ, Harry and even Ethan. Everyone was having fun. But then she felt the eyes on her, burning eyes glaring into her dancing figure. A boy sat at every back, a girl on his arm. His glare was hard and didn't move. She knew of him, he was in the year above her. A Gryffindor boy. She couldn't exactly remember his name at the exact moment in time but he seemed familiar. And the songs started getting more and more upbeat until it started turning into mosh pit kind of thing. Thebolder tears suspiciously drinking strange liquids. Her throat was dry and she was starting to feel sick. Tobi's eyes found hers, his hand wrapping around the girls arm and started pulling her out of the crowd. She found Simon, Talia, Josh and Freya sat at a table so she made her way over as Tobi signaled to get drinks. However somehow JJ came over screaming his head off, his breath stank alcohol and he was arguing about their dates. She bowed away on fear as he towered over her, his breath invaded her space making her gag. Josh tried to stand but was pulled back by Harry.

"Shut Your Mouth!" She screamed at him before her head was flung to the side. A massive red mark forming on her face, tears wheeling in her eyes. JJ sobered up immediately and tried to take the girl in his arms but she swing her arm back. Her fist flying towards his face, the teachers didn't move they actually stood and watched the whole thing.

"How fucking dare you. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" She screamed, her whole face turning red. You could practically see the steam pouring from her ears. JJ looked ay her, his eyes darkened as he seized up. Wiping the blood from his face he stood against her.

"Yeah. A Slut." He whispered and the whole group jumped into action. JJ was being pulled away from the girl who tried to claw at him. People were screaming and wands drawn. Draco running towards the two and casting a spell on her. Freezing her in Josh's arms.

"Go to bed, All Of You." He shoutd and they all bowed their heads. However Y/N stood frozen in the middle. A single tear ran down her cheek and her head of house felt bad for the girl. After his dad forced him go join the deatheaters,  he switched sides. Joining the light, the order. He realized how much he had actually hurt the girl, he called mudblood all those years ago. Remembered the tear run down Hermione's cheek as she forgave him. But she was different. Y/N was one of his favourite students, she was smart and kind. She had the potential to be a Hufflepuff however the muggleborn witch landed a spot in Slytherin. He undid the spell and watched Mia pull the girl away, hiding her tears from them all.

And she spent the rest of her time before the 2nd task in the library. Hiding.

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