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Trouble In The Jungle- Harry Lewis

He couldn't help but trail his eyes up her smooth legs, ones normal covered by jeans or leggings. Her pale skin looked so soft that he wanted to touch it but refused to give in infront of his friends. She looked absolutely beautiful right now, much like Ethan she was made to wear a very feminine outfit. Hers must have been a size to small due to the way it hugged her curves, during the process of outfit change JJ messed around with her y/h/c hair leaving it messy but y/n left it because she thought it looked very jungle like.

"Oi where's Simon?" She called not trusting these guys as she was lead into the main area. She stood to Harry's right looking very awkward as JJ and Vik explained the night. JJ couldn't help but laugh at Y/N became of how scared she looked.

"Do I look very pretty JJ? Do you fancy me?" She giggled grabbing his bicep in her hand and squeezing it, everyone burst out laughing due to the embarrassed look on his face. She was thrown over his shoulder in seconds as he danced around the room. Everyone was slowly taking there seats and Simon popped out the trees, JJ completely forget he had Y/N on his should he jumped. minute she was screaming and laughing at JJ the next she felt a pain on her head and slowly everything faded black, the last thing she could see was the figure of the boy dressed in a crab suit running towards her. Went she awoke she was laid in what appeared to be Simon's bed with all her friends stood around her.

"Where am I?" She asked grabbing her head.

"Princess, what's my name?" Harry asked holding get face in his warm hands and an idea struck her. She pushed away his hands un fear and backed to the bed.

"Wh-who are you p-people?" She cried pushing herself away from them. Harry cried out and punch the wall hard, Y/N became turned on but continued to meddle with them.

"Please. Please leave me alone." She cried her eyes strained on the red faced boy stood next to the hole in the wall. He muttered a sorry to her and dived into a kiss. The second his lips touched her she fell, he tasted like heaven. When he pulled away, his hands were back on her cheeks.

"Y/N do you remember me?" He basically cried, his Beatles were welled with tears that threaten to fall.

"How could I forget you. Harold Lewis!" She laughed deciding to stop messing with him. He literally grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him. The whole thing was forgotten about and they travelled back to the main thing to film the video. Her hand never left Harry's the whole night, even when she decided to get up and sing with JJ. Even tho she was injured, she was still the life of the group as she got them all up to start dancing. Harry's ha d situated on her hips as she rolled them against him, earning a breathy moan from him.

"The things you do to me " he whispered as she twirled towards him.

"You couldn't live without me Harold." She giggled bring his face towards hers by his neck.

The two continued to kiss in the middle of the room and their friends clapped around them. Hopefully, wishing to be free from the sexual tension between the two.

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