▪︎𝙹𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚊 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚢▪︎

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The Triwizard Tournament- Joshua Bradley

Part 1

Loud cheers surround the hall as the ceremony began. Who ever would be picked would be taking part in the tournament. This tournament would be different form the rest, harder almost. Instead of three champions 1 from each school, there would be 4 from only school. One for each house of the schools. Thankfully anyone under the age of 17 would not be claimed by the cup. So unfortunately half of the girls friend group would be able to be picked. She watched the flames flicker between a coal black and pearl white colour, she could feel the hand on her shoulder. She moved her eyes from Dumbledore and the cup to the boys near here. JJ and Simon sat either side of her, they were older then her so she thought of them as older brothers. Seeing as the hall was in shambles to for as many as they could in the room the house tables were mixed. She could see the Ravenclaw's and Gryffindor's arguing from here. She could see Josh, Vik, and Ethan sat together drinking apple juice from their goblets, the clash of red and blue. Teh only people who seemed table who seemed calm. Harry and Tobi sat infront of her, those two like the rest of the Hufflepuff's didn't mind the Slytherin's.

She heard Dumbledore announced the other two schools champions, watching the 7 figures disappearing through the doors as the crowd cheered, 7 seeing as one of the school's only had three houses. The plate of food hadn't been touched unless you count her stabbing the apple pie.

"Students Of Hogwarts, the champions." She heard Dumbledore annice and all the Hogwarts studmets perked up in their seats. They wanted their champions to be the best of the best, they wanted to win. Which ever school won got the cup and a reinvention of their choice, which ever house won got a common room upgrade and a ball and the person who won got a million gallons and their common room and could have whoever's they wanted in there. So everyone over the age of 17 wanted to win, not caring about the death. She watched as the white flame exploded and sizzle a crimson red. A lion appearing in the flames roaring. A slip of paper flying from the flames before sinking into Dumbledore's hand.

"The Gryffindor Champion. William Lenney." He announced and the table erupted into cheers. Will was Gryffindor's Keeper. She watched him walked down teh tables towards them, stopping at the small boy in the table and leaned down to hug his best friend Alex before striding to up front. The cheeky smile on his face, pride visibly on his face as he dusted down his uniform. The red tie allowing his blush to brighten his face, turning the same colour as the tie. The cheers continued for teh Gryffindor boy until his smile disappeared through the door. She let out s breath of relief, Ethan was okay. And the flames started to flicker again. The pearl white flickering between the three colours, deciding which one. Until the colour switched to Canary yellow and a badger made of the flames danced around the floor before disappearing as another slip flew into the sky. And once again Dumbledore caught it with ease.

"The Hufflepuff Champion, Lewis Redman." He called and one boys stood up in the crowd. He was stood his chest full of pride as he high fives his friends. He was one of the smartest in his year, running and managing his own brand in school. Y/N wouldn't admit it but she had about 7 of his hoodies in her shared room. Another breath of relief came from thr short girl, the two innocent bits infront of her would be okay, Tobi and Harry are safe. She watched him stride to the front, a smirk on his face. He was a Hufflepuff boy with major Gryffindor traits. He gave a bow like he was a God beside whe disappeared through the door. The cup sizzled and popped against, the white flames dancing into a wonderful Royal Blue shade, the flames bursting into a eagle flowing from the flames. Soaring around the cup before disappearing. The slip of paper already in the old mans hand.

"The Ravenclaw Champion, Joshua Bradley." He hollered and they all cheered in response. Josh was one of the smartest along side Lewis, he was the Ravenclaw Chaser, scored the most points in the school of that year. She watched in fear as one of her best friends looked panicked at his friends, he knew the truth about the tournament. What really happens. She watched as he was lifted from his seat and made to walk through the tables. At least little Vik would be okay. Without a single care in the world he disappeared through the door without a second look. The pearl flames were flickering and swirling over the goblet. They swirled into an emerald green, in the most elegant way she has ever seen. The serpent wrapping around the cup before pouncing, disintegrating into dusk mid air.

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