▪︎𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚖 𝙰𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚢▪︎ (𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚣𝚢)

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Football Games and Celebrations- Callum Airey (Freezy)

Sweat dripped down her forehead, the undeniable weight on her chest became heavier. She was tired and exhausted. Y/N had always been good at football, ever since she was s little girl. The two would play together as children and she would always win, he would say it was because she was older then him. Y/N Leach, the older sister of Katie Leach, Harry's best friend, and Freezy's crush. Seeing as she was infact really good at football and often played with the sidemen, they had asked her to be on their team. So here she stood dressed in a clad black uniform, she had even used a binder do her boobs would bounce to much during the game. However it began to tighten around her with each step she took. She pulled the flyaways of her hair away as her eyes darted around the field looking for the ball. Then she found it, Callux was making his way through the sidemen and she took of.

"Woah, look at her. Nine is speeding herself across the pitch, I don't think ove ever seen anyone of the sidemen DC run that fast in my life." McKenna laughed watching the girl go.

"You'd be surprised Lawrence, Leach has legs for days." True Geordie laughed his eyes not moving from the girl.

She tackled Callux and started darting across the field, none of the youtuber all stars could catch her. The girl was too powerful.

"Oh no, here comes Deji, I don't think Leach has saw him yet." McKenna said into the microphone noticing Deji run towards the girl from a different angle.

"Oh that's brutal, that's gotta hurt." True Geordie muttered watching the events fold out infront of him.

She felt his presence running towards her from the opposite direction but she continued to charge forwards. She felt a pain 8n her left leg and she was dragged to the floor, a scream rippling in the air as Deji took her out. She flew over his leg and face planted the floor. Her body rolled on the grass as she whispered in pain, the figure of Freezy diving towards the chick. Her head stung and she felt a liquid on her face. Her leg was insane amounts of pain.

"And down goes the older Leach, that's gotta be painful." McKenna said as he tried to lean closer to the screen to see what was happening.

"Abd here comes Airey to her prince in shining armour." True Geordie laughed noticing Freezy  reach the girl. He spun the girl oover and took her head in his hands, the awful red liquid dripping from her nose. Heref was horrible, it was was slightly torn and bloodied.

"Leach you good?" He asked the gilr as he wiped away the blood from her lip. And the girl nodded to him, the pain in her chest was unbearably worse them before.
Harry made his way over to his best friend and girlfriends older sister.

"Y/N you good to go." Harry asked holding out his hams ams the girl took it as Callum lifted her shoulder. The large buzz sounded signaling game over however there came a holler from the crowd.

"SHE DESERVES A FREE KICK!" This person screamed and the request was taken. An extra minute added.

She made her way over to her team and they all patted her on the back as they formed a circle.

"Leach, you got a plan?" Simon asked, even though he was captain he wanted her to show off whta she was capable off. The girl nodded and they put their heads together.

"Roght so I'm going to take my free kick, going to side pass it to Tobi. Tobi you get it to Harry as fast as you can. Harry line us up and kick it into the air, I'll bicycle kick it into the top corner." She order ahd the team agreed, it was there best plan. The team chanted and they made their way to their places, Harry and Tobi lining up ready. Seeing as she was quite close to the box she decided to do a attempted shot but hit the crossbar. Like she predicted Tobi went for the ball, and weaved through the players and kicked it to Harry.

Harry picked it as hard as he could towards the older girl and she performed the bicycle kicks. As she wanted to fly towards the top right corner of the net as the buzzer sounded again. She landed on her side and watched as  tried to dive for the ball but he was to late. It zoomed into the right corner and even knocked out the go pro, that she would pay for later.

The uproar of the crowd was wild all the boys dived onto her. A celebration later and she felt like she was on top of the world.

One of the reporters ran over to her with their camera man, the canera covered in a plastic sheet as the field was about to get soaked in celebration.

"Leach any winning words?" The reporter asked dripping the water proof microphone to her. The girl nodded and walked towards them a bit more, a large smile on her face.

"I'm in love with Freezy." She said and then the sprinklers turned on full blast and the reporter sliced for shelter. Airey making his way over to the girl.

"Prince charming right?" He laughed as he took the girl in his arms, his soaked shirt in her face.

"Always." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down towards her. The kiss was slow abs passionate, but soon they had to pull apart.

"Can I gave something as a reward?" She giggled pulling on his short and he laughed at the younger girl, and followed her orders. He stripped from the red shirt and handed the material to the older leach who was smiling brightly. She pulled the older boy down into another kiss and ran off to her team smiling.

"I did, I got the youtuber allstar shirt." She screamed and the whole team shouted in celebration. They had decided before the game whichever could get a Youtuber Allstar shirt would get to spend the rest of the weekend in the penthouse.

Like she planned her and Freezy spent every second of their time together, everywhere in the penthouse. If you know what I mean ;)

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