▪︎𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎▪︎

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I'll Care For You- Ethan Payne

My first ever request for this book by people who read my books, thank you so much byghead123 for requesting xx hope you enjoyed it Bub ❤

Y/N was at the club with her mates again, the sidemen had planned a night out and of course it got out of control as per usual. The sweaty bodies and the stench of alcohol was slowly hurting Y/N's intoxicated mind, the beat of the music ringing in her head she decided on another drink. Another shot, she was in a haze of bodies and beating music, a blur of colours and a mix of sounds.

"Hey Ethan... I'm going home." She slurred out once making her way over to the laughing boy sat at the table. She reached over for her keys but Ethan beat her to it.

"No can do Princess, your drunk out of your mind. Can't have anything happening to you sweet cheeks." He laughed gripping the keys in his sweaty palm.

"Ethan.. I'm going home." She slurred trying to grab the keys from his febd only fall on her butt. And yelp in pain causing Ethan to rush to her side instantly. He took one look at the girl sprawling on the dirty floor and decided he would drive her home. So he carefully lifted the girl into his arms and signaled to a lonely Simon where he was going. Getting the drunk young girl in the car was a big problem when she decided she wanted chocolate milkshake and fall out of the car. Her head hurt and she knew she'd forget it all in the moring as she looked over to the cute boy bect to her.

"Hey Ethan... did you know I've always loved you, even when you were chubby, I thought you were cute. " She said shyly placing her hand on his thigh as he drove to his apartment knowing she'd be fucked in the moring this comment caused him to pause in thought as he drove.

He liked her too but he would have never told but brushed it of fir her to being drunk. And immediately removed her hand from his thigh.

"Sorry Princess, you wouldn't remember this in the moring." He spoke pulling up to her apartment car park. As she sprawled over his lap. The girl was a mess.

"Y/n come on keys get you to bed." He spone pulling her out of the passenger side and lifting her into his arms. She looked cute right now, like there was not a care in the world, she was smiling which was different to her constant sad look on her face. The elevator ride was alright except that he almost dropped her because she was whimpering and shifting around. He made his way to his room where he was met by a messy room. His clothes were all over the floor, his sheets crinkled. He looked at the young girl and knew she was going to barf so he ran over to his bathroom and sat her infront of the toilet where she retched and he put on a warm shower for her.

"Hey Y/N, do you think you could shower whilst I clean my room for you?" He asked but she only sent him a thumbs up as her hair covered her head.

He had just finished putting on new sheets when he heard a crash and small whimpers. He knocked on his bathroom door and called out for her bur she didn't reply. So he opened the white door to find her in the bath with a large gash on her temple and along her arm with the hot water burning into her skin of her back. He rushed over and wrapped her boiling body in a towel and removed her from the tub. She cried as he apply a bandage to the gashes after he cleaned them.

"Come on y/n let's get you to bed. You need your beauty sleep." He giggled taking her to the bed and placing her inside and the second her head hit the pillow she was out like a light. She looked absolutely adorable with her y/h/c flung across the white fluffy pillows and her facial features soft. "I love you, Ethan." She whispered into the room within her sleep. He tucked a single strand of her hair from her face behind her ear before leaving the room. Not before whispering "I've always loved you Y/N but you could never know." As the door to shut a bright smile filled her and his face. What would have she done without him? He took CARE of her when she needed it most, and she wouldn't remember this in the moring anyway.

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