▪︎𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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What Are You Doing- Simon Minter x Harry Lewis

It was a sidemen sunday again, and as per usual Harry had yet to arrive even if he lived in the same building as most of the guys. Nobody knew this yet but Harry wasn't feeling to well lately, he wasn't depressed as he genuinely smiled all day but when he is alone his thoughts are uncontrollable. Freezy and Callux had made their way down to the pitch already but Harry sat alone on his sofa, staring into the bathroom at the end of his corridor. It was still early so the sun had not yet risen yet so all he was wearing was his sidemen joggers that hung just below his waist showing of his light V-line, with his thoughts running wild he made his way into the bathroom. The bright lit hurting his eyes as he stood infron of the mirror. He no longer recognised the boy staring back at him, with his sad broken eyes and that cracking smile. He turned to look at the bath, for no reason in particular and stated at it wondering What If...

Cold water flood into the tub as Harry prepared to sit down, the cikd hitting his body like a thousand sharp knives but slowly he succumbed to the pain. Just as the bath filled and he turned the water off did his phone ring.

"Hey Bog, you okay? Why aren't you st the pitch already, we need to film." He heard Simon's rushed voice.

"Sorry Si, I didn't realise the time, see you soon Bubba." He said back hoping to play test his theory. But he ended the call before Simon could reply. Simon's voice was rushed because he was running up the stairs to Harry's apartment as the lift was in use little did he know the events happening with Harry's flat.

Slowly Harry lowered his head into the cold water, feeling that distant pull to breathe however he didn't. He actually enjoyed the feeling if he was being honest, at this point Simon had made it to Harry's floor now he just had to get to him. Harry attempted to lift himself from the water to breathe but his body didny koce mut his mouth did, opening his mouth the water flooded into his mouth causing to panic. He knew what was happening and he wanted to cry, ge was dying, drowning in his own tub after promising to meet his friends. His vision grew black spots and he breathed in one last time, gulps of water flooded lungs. He was gone. Simon was worried from the second Harry didn't answer the door, and then when he could only find a locked bathroom. He had to carefully unlock the bathroom as his boyfriend's slip into a deep sleep.

"Harry!" He cried rushing over to his boyfriend. The water was icy cold against his touch so he yanked the plug and the water slipped into the drain. He pued the cold body of his boyfriend from the freezing water and wrapped him in towels on his lap, stroking his wet blonde locks.

"Harry, please I love you." Simon said hitting his lovers chest and kissing him trying to perform CPR. The young boy coughed out the water from his lungs before his eyes opened.

"S...Simon...." Harry whispered with his eyes fluttering open as he shivered into his chest. His joggers were soaking wet and he was freezing cold.

"Harry WHAT was that for?" Simon cried carrying his boyfriend to his room to get warm. He was now dressed in a new pair of sidemen joggers and a pastel blue hoodie and fluffy socks that were hidden by the blue trainers he now wore.

"Harry you scared me, please never do that again." The lanky boy requested as he carried his boyfriend to the now available lift as he placed his head inbetween Simon's neck and his shoulders. I'm sorry baby he heard Harry mumble as they reached the bottom and Harry was placed onto the ground. The others were never told about this event and carried on with their day, claiming Harry was only pale because it was winter and he was cold, correct it was winter and he was cold but not because of winter but became he had died in that tub, HE HAD DIED. But he kept the smile on his face and carried to mess around with his best friends and his unannounced boyfriend.

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