▪︎𝚃𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗▪︎

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The Car Crash- Tobi Brown

The tain poured heavy against her windscreen, the wiper moving rapidly to clean the screen. She had just left Tobi's apartment because Amery showed up, you see Y/N and Tobi had been best friends since primary so she hoped he'd pick her over Amery. She only went over to tell Tobi the new of the death of Rex, Rex had been Y/N's dog for years so naturally the poor dog grew old, however just as she went to tell Tobi, Amery burst in crying. Crying about breaking her nail whilst streaming. Her own tears filled her eyes as she thought of her little dog, memories flooding her senses automatically, especially the first one. When Y/N got Rex, he was just a puppy. Tobi was at her house when her mum brought the cute little black dog in, so naturally these two played with him all day. A familiar tune rang through her speakers as she whipped away the tears. Pulling on a smile that made her voice light she answered the call.

"Hey Y/N, it's me Tobi." He answered.

"Hey Tobs, what's up?" She asked back politely pulling back on a sob.

"You wanted to tell me something, what was it?" He asked and she imagined him pushing back his hair with a worried smile in his face.

"It.... it's not important. Just forget about it. I'm sorry Tobi but I've gotta go, I'm driving right now and its raining so hard I can't see a thing." She said back trying to look through the front screen.

"Alright bye Y/N, I love you." But when he said I love you she froze. It had been years since he said I love you to her. What she didn't see was the pole she was heading towards, nor the taxi zooming down the dark roads.

"I love you to-" but she was cut of by a crash, all Tobu could hear was the noise of something crashing and a sickening crunch.


"Y/N!" Tobi screamed but he got no reply which sent a wave of panic through him.

She sat there screaming and crying, however seeing as the rain pour got heavier no one could hear her. 3 hours later the sky begun to clear, however Y/N had slipped into unconscious with a terrible pain in her legs.

Someone was calling her name but she couldn't see anything.

"Y/N?" He called again, then followed by a woof. A bark she would never forget. It sounded again but closer. Then she could see him, the small little black dog running towards her, it was Rex. Then the boy arrived, it was Y/B/N, her brother who died before she was even born.

"Y/B/N?" She called as the dog continued to lick her hands. She continued when he nodded.

"Where am I? You guys are dead. I'm not dead,am i?"

"Not yet Y/N, your in the between. You have been given a choice. Come stay here but leave everyone behind or go back in pain." Y/B/N said, Y/N didn't know what to choose. Then she thought about him, Tobi, the reason she was still here today. She couldn't leave him, not yet anyway.

"I see you've made your choice, Y/N" Y/B/N said before she could even open her mouth. Rex looked up at her with sad eyes, he placed something in her hand, it was a blue chew toy, Rex's favourite. Slowly these two figures faded into nothing and Y/N was left in the darkness.

She awoke back in her car, paramedics trying to rip her body from the wreckage.

"She's up." Soneone called as they started removing bits of the car.

"Can you stand for us honey?" One of the nice woman asked her and she slowly nodded her head. She went to stand but something didn't feel right, she didn't move. She couldn't move, she tried to move her legs but she felt nothing. She sent a panicked look towards that lady and her smile dropped.

"Get her out. NOW!" The woman screamed and the process became faster. The young girl was freed from the car and carried to a board where she was laid down. She stare at the wreckage of her car, the front was completed smashed in and driven deep into a thick poke, the dents in the left side of the car implied a car or something smashed into them. Then she looked at herself. Her Jean's were torn soaked in blood and water, large slits in her leg that she knew she should feel. Her shoes that come of trying to get her out of the car. She tried to kick her feet, when she couldn't do that she tried to move a toe. She couldn't do that, she knew what this meant, a sob caught in her throat as she looked at her legs, she may never be able to walk again. Then she focused on the hands clammed to her chest, she slowly pulled them back to find a familiar blue chew toy in her hands. Another sob broke through as she clutched it to her chest once more.

"Hello, Honey. Do you have anyone you need to call?" The paramedics asked the young girl but black spots slowly begun to fill her vision as she felt like she was spinning.

"Tobi." She called before falling unresponsive.

"Hospital now. I find this Tobi guy." The sane woman from the car wreck shouted

The next time she awoke it was bright, everything was brightly lit and white? Was she in heaven? Her eyes begun to fall on all the objects in the room. She was in hospital. The steady beat of her own heart sounding from over of the many machines that she was hooked onto, the wires coming out of her body transferring blood and some other things. Then her eyes landed on him, the angel himself. He truly looked like an angel right now, thanks to the remaining rats of light turned his hair, a heavenly shade of black and look almost as if it were a halo.

"Tobi?" She whispered as she tried to move here's but they didn't move and she started crying.

"You are paralyzed from the waist down Y/N." He told her crying. Her legs, she would never be able to walk again, she could never run again. She would never be able to walk through a over grown field with her children as she chased after him.

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