▪︎𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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He's Finally Home- Harry Lewis

Harry joining the army had been the most unexpected thing to happen. Him leaving her for years on end to fight didn't settle well with her. They were 24 and he had a 2 year old soon. Before he left. She constantly worried about him, he was the love of her life. Y/N didn't know if she could handle it on her home. When he came home 1 year later she was overjoyed, he was safe. He was okay. And his how 3 year old son, Issac, charged at his dad pulling him in a hug. But unfortunately he didn't stay home for long. His baby boys, Emery and Cedric turned 2. Issac turned 5. Then he came home again. She invited her husband with open arms, crying into his chest. Harry stayed home for a while, 2 years to be exact. His baby girl being born, Alina. The family of six were all finally together, that was until the war against Brazil broke out, he had only gone away for four years. Y/N and Harry were now 31, Issac now 11, Cedric and Embry now 8 and Alina was 5. How time had flown by.

"Mum?" She heard one of her 3 sons call, the bow older woman climbed out of her bed and walked towards her sons door. He stood in the middle of his orange painted room trying to tie his laces, it was a school football match today. Issac  played for his secondary school, he was goal keeper amd a damn god one at that. Y/N smiled at her son as she walked in his room. A look of confused on his face as he twist and turn the laces.

"Issac. Let me." She said as she guided him to his bed, the boys feet hanging over the side allowing Y/N to carefully tie the faces and tick them in his boots. She felt his warm body pull her in a hug as a sign of thank you. A sigh left her mouth.

"Do you think Daddy is proud of me?" He asked his blue eyes welling up with tears, he missed his dad so much. He missed how when he cime home he dress him up in his uniform even though it was way to big making them laugh, or how he'd take home out to the field and play some ball with Dad's friends and their kids. Looking at her son she could have cried, he looked so much like his dad. Same blue eyes and fluffy blonde hair.

"Of course he is baby. He is proud of everything you've ever done." She cried letting her son fall into her arms. Little sobs esing his mouth as he clutched her shirt. Her game gently rubbed her sons back, she can't believe how much he's grown already.

"Now let's go get your brothers ready." She said as he pulled away from his mother's embrace. Tear glazed eyes yet a soft smile.

"Can I pick out Alinas dress?" He asked hopeful, his eyes sparking. Y/N patted her sons head and let him run of to his little sisters room.

She found both Cedric and Emery fast asleep. Their bunk beds pushed against the wall by the window letting the sun shine into her town's room. Little snores escape the kids as they slept peacefully. Cedric's blonde hair looked almost like a halo. Issac and Cedric looked like their father a lot, Emery was a little Y/N and Alina was a perfect mix between the two.

"Boys!" She called standing in their doorway, the grey walls brightening the room. Sue watchers dash bothe boys practically jumped from their beds, hair stuck up random places and drooling. Tired eyes and weak smiles they climbed put of their beds.

"Good Morning Mum." She heard both the boys drawl as she cuddled them. Raking her fingers through Cedric's hair she tried to tame it but it didn't move. She laughed as both boys simply pushed her out of the room.

"Breakfast in 10 minutes and remember it's going to be got tpdta boys." She said earning two groans from inside the room. Smiling to herself she made her wat to her only girls room. The door wide open allowing her to see her oldest boy run around her only girl. The little girl smiling as her brother picked out items of clothing. Until he picked out one dress. It was white and had lemons on it. She giggled and ran towards Issac. Their laughter moving together. She couldn't help but smile at her kids. Leaving her kids to themselves as she mad eher way down the stairs to the kitchen.

10 minutes and 4 hungry children later. She could hear the stomping of her kids from here as she poured their cereal in their bowls.

"Issy, Em, Ced, Alli." She called and all four of her children ran down the stairs. Issac wearing his pink school team shirt, his goalie gloves in his bag. He was holding hands the girl dressed in a lemon dress. Her hair had been placed in a cute bun and Issac looked proud. Her small hand in his larger one, both smiling. The twins as usual wore matching outfits but in opposite colours. So Cedric wore denim shorts and a blue polo shirt with with white sleeves whilst Emery wore denim shorts and a white polo with blue sleeves. And both of them wore black shoes. A bowl of frosties for Issac, a bowl of chocolate pops for Cedric and Emery and a bowl of honey puffs for Alina. Y/N and Alina wore matching outfits, the same lemon dress and white shoes.

7-6 to Issac's team. That was the score so far. If the boy running towards him didn't score then they would win the secondary cup. Y/N stood cheering her baby on. Alina stood by her side, one hand clutching her ice pop and the other grasped onto the bottom of her dress. Emery and Cedric sat together on the grass by her talking about football as they aye their ice creams. Not that the sidemen kids noticed but a large army van pulled up. The ball zooming towards the goal, everything was silent. Issac jumped forward and the ball hit his hands, flying out of the box. The cheers went wild as he saved the goal, the ball rolling somewhere on the field. Y/N scremaing loudly hugging her twins close as Alina ranont0 the flies towards Isaac. Pulling her own into her arms Y/N smiled, wishing a certain someone was here.

"Dad?" Emery asked looking behind her shoulder causing Y/N to crane her head to look. There he was. Standing in all his glory. Smiling down on the little family.



He dropped his bags by his sides and stepped forward opening his arms allowing her to run straight into them. Tears rolling down her cheeks as their kids joined them. Cedric and Emery hugging his legs as Aluna was pressed to his chest whilst Issac stood back holding the ball. Harry looked ta his oldest son. The sad smile on his face and tears welling on his eyes. Slowly he let go of his younger children and his wife and stood infront of his son.

"Hi Issac." He said opening his arms for the boy to run in. 'Hi Dad!' he heard mumbled into his shoulder as Issca cried. His sons muffled by his dad.

"Hey, hey. I got you something." Harry said pulling back firm hai puffy eyed boy. Holding an object towards him as he grabbed it. A pair of dog tags, the cold metal burning his sweaty hands. Delicate carvings of a name.

Captain Issac Lewis
Carved in the metal. And another one which read.

Soldier Harry Lewis

"So we will always be together." Harry told his son as Issac jumped back into his arms. He constantly missed his dad, all the time. But now he had something to keep by him. So Harry would always be with his son.

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