▪︎𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗▪︎

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Into The Game- The Sidemen

Here they were, the Sidemen, sat in Y/N's old lake house. When she was younger she has lived by the lake district, more specifically lake windermere. And seeing as her grandmother had died the house now being to her. So the sodemne decided to go visit the house with her.

Simon was laid across JJ and Ethan on the old red sofa. Harry was sat in the old green beanbag with Vik, both boys arguing over Harry's phone to play games. Tobi was sat reading one of Y/N's grandma's old book whilst Josh could be found flicking through the TV channels. Y/N though was sat staring out of the window into the lake, her headphones playing her favourite songs.

"I'm bored." Simon slurred as JJ ran his fingers through the man's hair. Everyone turned to look at him with the same look stretched across their face.

"Then find something to do." Vik told the boy as he realized Harry wasn't paying attention to the phone and grabbed it out of his hands. Harry squealing and trying to get it back. Simon decided to just go to his room. And not long after everyone else followed his actions.

Her head lay on the pillow, the old clock ticking in the corner of her room. The rain and thunder howling outside her window. The sparks of lightening lighting the room. Another hinged sigh left her lips as she decided she needed a drink. The second she pulled back the covers of her bed the cold hit her, causing her to wince as her bare feet padded against the cold floor. By the sounds of it nobody else was awake, but one. Harry sat staring at the tv, a hot drink in his hands.

"Hi Harry." She muttered as she grabbed her own cup.

"Hey Y/N, can't sleep?" Harry asked the girl who took a seat right next to her. The girl shook her head and turned towards the TV, it was Brooklyn nine nine, her favourite show. It must have been 2 hours by now as they had sat and watched 4 while episodes. One of the loudest roars of thunder sounded from outside. Then the large stricken of lighting, surrounding the room in a white light before it flashed black. The power had cut off. Y/N groaned knowing that this meant shed have to travel into the basement to turn it on. So grabbing her phone she switched the flashlight on and stood up from the sofa. Harry decided to join her, mot wanting to be left alone surrounded by darkness. So slowly the two started making their way to the four under the stairs. The door created open as Y/N grabbed Harry's arm. The darkness of the staircase scared the girl but together the two started making their way down. Then they heard it.


It was quite, almost inaudible but the two had heard it. Causing them to stop, and use their flashlights to look around the room. It was completely empty minus an old chest and the power supply box so they continued.


It sounded again, but there was no where that it found have come from. There was nothing here. Harry made his way to the power supply as Y/N wandered over to the old chest.


It sounded again and was coming from this chest.

It was dirty and covered in dust, it looked like it had been left for years, the letter was crinkled and peeking away. But the lock was new, well new compared to the chest. There was a keyhole, a pattern she recognised for the hole. She grasped the necklace in her beck and pulled it out, a key. She remembered the day she got this key, it was from her grandma. She remembered her exact words as she gave it too her.

"Only bad things come from this key. Never leave it."

But she noticed something, the pattern of the keyhole was the same as the key. Curiosity got the nest of her so she removed the necklace as Harry was flipping all sorts of switches. Slowly she put the key in the lock and twisted it. The chest clicking open instantly. A cloud of dust appeared out of the chest as she opened it causing the girl to cough.

"You good Y/N?" Harry asked as he inspected the box trying to find the right switch, not moving his blue eyes from it.

"Yeah yeah good." She replied looking into the box. For such a big chest it only had two things in it. An old book and a smaller box. She grabbed the back as Harry found the right switch and the lights turned on. She could here the tv from here.

"What you got there." Harry asked as he snatched the old book from her hands and started flicking through it, Y/N's attention turning to the smaller box. As she picked it up she realized it had intricate designs on the front and a name.

Between Jumanji

This caused confusion to fill her senses, why has she never seen this before. And why did she have the key to it. So the two grabbed their stuff and made their way back up the stairs to the front room. She placed the box on the table as her and Harry sat face to face infront of it.

"What do you think it is?" She ashed as Harry shut the book after reading the first page, the boy shrugged his shoulders and opened it. It was a board game of sorts. There was inscriptions down the side.

For those who play, beware of the horrors within. If you seek an escape just roll the dice and prepare to play.

This confused her, what kind of board game has a description like that. Then she found the counters. There was eight. Like there was one for each of them. There was an elephant, a lion, a snake, a rinho, a scorpion, a crocodile, a meerkat and a boar. Harry picked up the elephant counter and inspected it in his hand as Y/N picked up the snake, the carvings were so detailed and beautiful.

"You wanna have a short game?" He questioned picking up the pair of dice and the girl nodded her head. They found their stations of where their counters were to be placed.

"You go first." Harry said as he handed the dice over and Y/N rolled her eyes at the youngest sideman. But took the dice and rolled a 7. And automatically her counter started moving on it's own 7 places. And then the middle piece clouded over green, words appearing.

"A tale of kinds, only those who listen can hear their cries." She muttered reading the writing. Before it disappeared. And a sounded sounded from the attic, a scratching kind of noise.

"What does that mean?" Harry asked confused picking up the dice as the y/h/c hair coloured girl shrugged her shoulders. He rolled the dice and they landed on an 11.

"An escape from reality. You're lured in and then the real game begins, anything but a 9 is simply not enough." Harry told the girl and both became confused. They closed the game and walked away, terrified of what could happen next. They decided to leave it until it wasn't 3am any more and they weren't alone. They had just reached the stairs as a feeling washed over them. The girls phone began to buzz as she received a text. She didn't recognize the number but opened the notification anyway.

'It's too late. You're in the game now, you must finish and call out its name.'

She grew confused and scared, how did this person get her number and how did they know they played the game. Another notification came through.

'The dice has rolled, beware of the horrors inside. Welcome to the world between worlds. Welcome to jumanji!'

"Harry?" She muttered as the feeling in her fingers increased. Slowly she lifted her fingers to find the tips of them turning an awful green colour. And now they were tturning into a dust like material. She turned her head to find the same happening to Harry. Both of them screamed as they were pulled towards the closed board game, it slamming open on the table as lightening struck. They were sucked inside, and the game slammed shut. All that was left was the two phones discarded on the table alongside two piles of clothes. And they were gone.

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