▪︎𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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Her Part 2- Harry Lewis

A stray tear rolled down her cheek as she sat on his bed, the crumbled sheets and flat pillows. A cold breeze drifted through the open window, allowing her to cool. The letter was hidden somewhere in one of her bookseft in the boys room. It had been 2 months since he was last in Guernsey, well at least she knew of. The phone to her right binged causing her to reach over and grab it. It was a message from her older brother, he was asking if she wanted to actually come outside today, she hadn't left Harry's room in a while. And for the first time in 2 months, she agreed.

20 minutes later she had changed into a red swimsuit that zipped up in the front, a pair of ripped black shorts and a white shirt. Grabbing brown leather bag with spare clothes. Amd just like that she found her self skipping into the Lewis's front room with a big smile on her face, however seeing as nobody was there her smile flattened a bit, a scribbled note was written on the counter and a spare set of keys.

'We have gone out, see you soon. We are having a meal later at 9pm.' She could tell it was Rosie's handsworth so she grabbed the keys and was skipping out the door. Locking it behind her, and soon she was walking to the field. It didn't take long for her to find the figures of her brothers and all their friends.

The cold water invited her as she dived into it, the goosebumps tingling her skin. The braid hanging over her shoulder as she swam, it almost made her forget about the blonde boy. She was a few feet away from the group of friends who drenched each other in the water, she tried to forget about Harry. But for some reason her mind constantly, when or whenever. Like now, watching the swirls of the blue ocean made her stomach churn, she was looking into his eyes. And then she et her body be lifted from the water causing the girl to laugh. The face of her older brother appearing above her.

Harry was stood on top of the hill arguing with Josh over something, before his eyes trailed over to the bay. Y/N laughing on top of someone's shoulders, the same guy from the hill. Once again not realising that was infact her older brother. He didn't like the way, her smile was brighten then it used to be. Before he knew it Josh was tapping his shoulder, bringing him away from the girl. He tried to ignore her but he couldn't help but avert his attention to the girl.

What he didn't notice was just as the sun was sinking below the waters edge the girl climbed out of the water, sitting upon the rocks. She found herself reaching for her bag, the one book inside. Slowly pulling 'The Hunger Games' book from the depths of her bag, the note hidden between the pages.

I know this is unexpected and long over due and a letter from well me seems like a long shot but it's the only thing I could resort too. You I remember the first time we met, all those years ago on the school play ground, I remember you the scared little girl who changed my life. I wanted to thank you, I honestly don't think I would have come this far without you. The girl who stood by my side no matter what happens. And I also remember the first day I realized I was in fact in love with you. It wasn't love at first sight, because no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't figure you out. But then I did, and staying by your side was the beat thing I have done. Whenever something good happens, you're the first person I want to tell. When something bad happens, I know that I can count on you to let me take you in my arms and tell me everything will be alright. I love those days, I miss those days. I'm the luckiest man in the world because I can truly say that I'm in love with my best friend, and I feel stupid for not noticing it faster. I'm too late, aren't I? Being apart from you is more difficult than I ever imagined. I see reminders of you everywhere I look, and they make me ache to be near you again. I would see the kids playing in the park and it would remind me of those days. You know it feels like just yesterday, I would spend endless hours in the hospital rooms with you, staying into thos blue curtains silently praying. I remember when my every thought was about you and how I prayed that you'd get better. I used to beg and pleade late at night into the open air that a miracle would be sent down, a cure for cancer. But you didn't need it, my sweet best friend Y/N did it. She survived cancer, and I was by your side every step of the way. You're the strongest, bravest person I know, and those are just a few reasons why I love you. You getting Cancer made me realise something when I was younger, I wanted to help people, make the place a better world. But I didn't know how until you showed me, you showed me that I could do it, and I did. You should see the people I've helped, millions of people who watch my videos. A reason to smile and laugh. I'm sorry that I couldn't actually tell you in person and i know that I left you behind, but please remember I love you. You've shaped me to by the person I am, i love you.

And i know I'm rambling now so here i leave you a customized hoodie, your favourite colour. The type of yellow that you see in the fields, the colour of the buttercup glowing in the sunlight. I'd remember the bright smile that would lift your face as you'd plant the yellow flower under your chins, grinning at the golden reflection. And my cologne, your favourite, you know the old spice and pine wood. I'm truly sorry about this bubbles, butbinthink this might be a goodbye for now.

See you soon Princess,

Another tear ran down her cheek as she read over the words, a sob escaping her throat. But then she felt the hand on her shoulder, the upset face of her older brother appearing above her. His heart broke seeing his younger sister this way, so broken and fragile. He took her in his arms and he felt her sob against his chest, he knew he needed to be strong for her. He had watched his little sister do so many things, he saw her survive cancer, watched her go through multiple heartbreaks. But the one thing that always seemed to get to the girl was Harry, he was like her weakness. She loved Harry kore them herself and he knew it would take a lot for her to get over him, but he was ready to help her.

Y/N was Harry's person.
Like Harry was her's.


Omg this was so bad, I'm so sorry. I simply just didn't know what to do this this x

Good Morning? Lovlies x

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