▪︎𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙻𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚢▪︎

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Used By A Cheater- Will Lenney (WillNE)

The sun had long disappeared into the clouds, the y/h/c coloured girl sat watching the stars appear. Even with the party in the penthouse below she still sat with her hoodie as her only source of warmth, she knew her friends would be down there but she didn't feel like joining them quite yet. She had on the edge of the tower, legs dangling over the side. The city below looked absolutely stunning at night, all the lights giving the town a wonderful glow. From what she could see the little Salisbury's on her street was still open, it had a mini Starbucks too, suddenly she craved a chocolate bar. Slowly she picked herself up from the edge and begin walking towards the door on the rooftop. It didn't take long for the girl to get to the little shop. Seeing as it was only 11pm the shop had a few people inside, recognisable faces. The shopkeeper was Lucas today, Lucas was the manager's son and Y/N was here often. Lucas was younger then her, a English and Business major in university. The young girl gave the boy a warm smile and made her way through the isles, ending up on the alcohol one. Most of it was relatively empty and she took no guess that it was her friends up there. She grabbed the bottle of Vodka and made her way to another isle. Quickly she picked up her cherry juice, a bag of cherries and a few chocolate bars. Lucas smiled at the girl as he scanned the items for her.

"How's the party Y/N?" Lucas asked the girl as he bagged it for her.

"It's okay I guess, you should join us when we come of work. Could use a friendly face." She smiled at the young boy as she scanned her contact less card.

"I'll be up soon, I get off at 11 and its 10:50." He smiled and the girl smiled back, waving goodbye as she left the little shop and made her way back up to the roof. So here she sat again, over looking the city of London this time chugging on the mixed drink she made, she poured the cherry juice in the vodka. And she ate are a few of the cherries, she liked it up here. It was beautiful, calm and she finally felt at peace. She heard the click of the door but didn't bother to look and see who it was.

"Hey Y/N, you okay?" The voice asked and she would recognize that voice anywhere, Tobi came into view and sat by her.

"I don't actually know Tobi." She muttered putting her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around the girl, she was feezing and shivering but its not like she noticed.

"We miss you down there it's not quite the same without the little ball of energy." Tobi said looking out onto the city of London too, he realised why she liked it up there it was infact beautiful.

"He's there isn't he." She asked looking at the boy who she had become instant friends with those 4 years ago. Tobi didn't reply and only nodded as the girl sighed.

"Come on Tobi, let's go." She said as she stood up, the taller man joining her. Slowly the two made their way into her apartment, suddenly she felt sick. The air was humid and smelled horrible, everyone was either dancing, drinking or smoking. She gagged as she made her way through the crowd to her kitchen. A couple pressed against her skin making out roughly.

"Gee, Chip. Do it elsewhere." She told the two and they pulled apart. Gee give the girl a small smile and wandered of to find her roommate and Y/N's boyfriend. Will, that remind her that she hadn't seen Will since she and him had sat on the roof. She grabbed a glass of water and set of to find the geordie boy. Faces surrounded her, the Callums dancing against this one girl she didn't recognize, Harry was sat drinking from a bottle in the corner of the room all alone, Simon and Talia making nout against the wall, Josh and Freya dancing against each other. She sent a smile towards Harry who gave her a sad smile in return. She made her way through the crowd, an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She couldn't find her geordie boyfriend's anywhere. Her and Will had been dating for 5 years now , the two still going strong. She decided that he would probably be talking with Vik or Alex somewhere. She made her way to the room at the end of the corridors, two people coming into view. She recognized these two boys instantly, the ginger boy and curtains boy, Stephen and Alex.

"Hey boys." She smiled walking over to her boyfriends best friends. She probably looked disgusting right now but she didn't care. As the boys took her in a hug.

"How are you Y/N, haven't seen us the whole party." Alex asked as he stood by the door to her bedroom. Almost like he was blocking it.

"Yeha I was on the roof, now I feel like going to bed." She smiled as the two boys laughed. They should have know the girl would be up there, it was her sanctuary.

"Have you seen square boy anywhere?" She asked noticing the two boys stand infront of the door. Both men shaking their heads.

"Okay nevermind, I'll see him in the morning." she smiled and tried to get to the door but the boys stopped her, both of them shaking their heads. She cocked her head to the side in confusion. But then she heard it. It was almost barely audible but she had heard it, freezing in the spot instantly.

"Will." They muttered again and the two men at the door bowed their heads.

"Emslie, Lawson. Let me through now." She whispered dangerously low as tears pricked her eyes. Both men nodded their heads and moved away from the door, knowing what was about to happen. She charged into her room and gasped at the sight. Will was fucking Mia against her bed, slamming into her as hard as could be. Will was cheating in her, on her bed.

"Will!" She muttered and the guy came to a stop and looked over his shoulder. He pulled away from the girl and began to get dressed as quickly as she could.

"Y/N it's not what it looked like." Will said as he pulled on his joggers and Mia pulled down the green dress. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she just couldn't believe it.

"How long?" She whispered not looking at the two, Will felt disgusted in what he had done now.

"It was one time." Will pleaded and sat on the girls bed as Mia slowly began to leave the room, however the y/h/c coloured grabbed her wrist stopping her from leaving.

"HOW LONG?" She screamed, the fire in her eyes burning harshly.

"Three years." Mia spat at the girl shoving her off and walking out.

Will ran towards Y/N but she stepped away from him. She shook her head, her hair falling infront of her face, she was shaking uncontrollably and her hand was twitching.

"Get out." Is all she said as she looked away from him, she felt disgusted in herself. She actually believed he loved her.

"Y/N please you don't understand." Will begged, his northern accent slipping through but all the happen is Y/N walked towards him. She was shaking and she began pulling something of her hand. The ring, the ring he got her.

"Get out William." She order dangerously low as she grabbed his hand, his warm skin burning her cold. He watched her open his hand and place the ring in the middle. He begged and pleaded but she closed his hand and walked away from him. She stood by her window overlooking the beautiful city, it grew darker now. Like something evil corrupted it. Will knew that the girl would never forgive him so he picked up his shirt of the floor and left. He didn't go back out to the party but instead left completely, going home. She entered the party again, all her friends freezing seeing the state of her.

"Did you know?" She asked the group of people and the music stopped. There was no sound, only people bowing their heads. That's all she needed to know.

"Everyone out." She ordered looking at the fallen faces of her friends, or who she had believe to be her friends.

As required everyone slowly began to leave leaving the girl on her sofa in her trashed house. Harry was last to leave, he sent a smile towards her but she only looked away, allowing his face to fall. They had really done it now.

She said there on her sofa, not moving. She felt broken, disgusted and used. For 5 years she believed William Lenney loved her, for 5 years she felt safe and secure. 3 and a half years ago he placed that ring on her finger claiming that he would marry her one day. For 3 and half years she had believed him. He had tricked the girl, she felt like she was nothing. He used her. Played her like a toy.

So she sat on the brown leather sofa and didn't move, like she was frozen in place.

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