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Imagine- The Sidemen

A young girl, sitting in her room. Staring at the ceiling, pain filling her from inside. It's a Sunday, her family tried a dinner but it ended in screaming and crying, so naturally she came upstairs. Her revision laid to the left of her and her phone to the right, tears rolling down her cheeks. It was cold in this room, the cold icy air gushed through the cracked open window overlooking her nieghbour hood. Pain filling her chest, she placed her hands on her heart, she could feel it pumping, feel the rush of blood signaling around her body. Her eyes sore from crying, and her mouth dry she sat up. She wasn't from a stable family, everything she ever wanted was limited and she barely got what she wanted. Her phone blare out her most recent search,a picture of a hoodie she wanted. She was going to ask for it, but then she seen the price. There was no way she could afford that, tears rolling down her cheeks, she turned off the page and clicked upon YouTube. Her favourite YouTubers had posted, the new sidemen video.

Now her laughter ran out as she watched them mess around together. She was filled with happiness as she watched her crush Simon run around the screen like an idiot making her laugh. But soon the video ended, and she remembered. She's just a stupid 16 year old girl who is too young for any of the Sidemen. A girl that could barely afford food most of the time, a girl that will never feel that Sidemen hoodie around her. The girl that will never meet her idols, a girl with broken dreams and a cracked smile.

She was simply, Just A Fan

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