▪︎𝙹𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚊 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚢▪︎

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The Triward Tournament- Joshua Bradley

Part 2

The pitch had been turned into a maze of tunnels, four sections. It was pitch black tans to the charmed roof, so the champions couldn't see out but the watchers could look in. Where she was kind of scared her, it was completely dark she couldn't even see herself, it was water logged and she could feel the water seeping into her boots. It appears to be a room. Her wand was locked in a spade outside the room, the second she was out was sounded she would use it as a source of light. She knew the task, fimd the first key get out of the room and find the keys and get out. The first room you were alone and water would seep in. If you didn't make it out in time it was tough luck. A task build on teamwork but also individuality, the first team out would get a feast. She wanted to win, they needed to win.

"Let the games begin." She heard Dumbledore announced and she was off. Rumg8ng around the room. Everything was cold at her touch, some things hard and others too soft. Using the o elects as a guide she found herself something that appeared to be a bookshelf. She starred pulling the books from the shelf and flickered through them, feeling each page for anything. Without even noticing she left a single book on the shelf, the water sinking into her trousers now. Running through drawers she came to nothing, no key nothing. The water was flipping the room faster now as she started panicking. She need to get out. The water was at her neck when she felt it. The door vibrated, some kind of explosions outside.

"Y/N?" She heard someone call but she wa ssinking in the water, her arms failing round trying to keep herself up. The door vibrates again and the water grew colder.

"Will?" She called as the water entered her mouth, her legs kicking. Another explosion but nkfjung happened.

"Its a boo-" he tried calling to her but he was cut of by a scream. A Kofi am screeching scream. A Hinkypunk was stood at the end of the dark corridor, glowing in the dark. Red eyes and snarky smile. He had no other choice but run as it charged toward him, blue smoke emitted from it. As if a sign as the Hinkypunk walked past her room the vlueish light glowed in. Her eyes adjusting she could see the room, books and tables floated in ten water. A key was hung from the roof. So she jumped as mush as she could and the rope snapped. The bookshelf had a single book left, so as the room was encased in darkness she tried swimming towards it. She tugged an pulled but it simply wouldn't move, until she pushed it forward a tiny bit. The book making a click noise and the door flung open. Water flooding out taking the girl with it. She was soaking wet now as she stumbled towards the safe. The glass box holding her wand. Turning the key she heard the drop, something was coming towards her. A whispering sound, a bird like screech.

"LUMOS!" She screamed and the light exploded from her wand, lighting the dark dim corridors of the tunnels. A beautiful woman was slurring towards her, her hips swinging. A seductive look on her face. And Y/N was drawn, walking towards the woman. Her mind hazy and under a spell. Glazed eyes and stuttering words. Thos woman was beautiful, she had long blonde hair the colour of honey. Pale soft skin and the most beautiful eyes. The colour ice almost, Y/N was drawn in. She could 0t hear the screams of the people watching. Then she heard a click sound, one of the keys had been found and as if all senses came back to her she lifted her wand. Pointing it right at the Veela. She went to mutrr an encarnation when its nose stretched into a beak, lathe wings sprouting from its back. A hiss like screech and Y/N was off running down the tunnels trying to get away from the creatures like woman. Little did the mids in the arena know that every 5 minutes they were in there a new creature was voted in, Y/N was soon going to figure that out. She turned the corner as the thing tried to jump at her, she need an escape plan. A door at the end of this corridor was wide open, all she needed to do was get inside and shut the door. However then they appear, dark cloaked figures floating around them. And the border took ten form of the fuel once more in fear.

"Expecto Patronum!" She cried and the silver light surrounded them, blasting away the Dementors and even the Veela girl. The lion danced around before making its way to the girl, who was now kneed to the floor breath in and out. A panic attack on the rise, she could feel it bubbling inside of her. The lions bushed its head against her arm until she ran her fingers through his silky mane.

"Find Josh, Will and Lewis. Dementors are here." Is all she before the silver lion gave a large roar before floating around the corner. She picked up her wand from her side and stood up, a layer of mud was staining her trousers. Chanting the lumos spell she was off down the corridors once more, looking for the key. She knew that there was 4 keys, one for each member of the house. And only person was allowed to use a key, so only Will could use the Gryffindor key and so on. It didn't take long for her to find a locked door, carvings of serpents and waves detailed on the door. There was a hole in the wall like someone else had tried to break through but obviously didn't work. Then she heard it, the sound of a snake. Or a large one, the Basilik. A 2 thoughts running through her mind.

Don't look at its eyes

And remember say the spell and the person unfreezes.

But she didn't remember the spell. She tried hitting the door to see if it would budge bit it didn't even make a sound. The Basilik was getting closer now. She needed to get in that room. Thats when she heard the footsteps,a paot of footsteps rapidly running through the pipes. Y/N didn't dare move, she knew it would attack her if she moved. The next thing she knew three blurs of colour turned around corridor and were throwing spells st the Basilik. They had the other keys.

"BOMBARDA." She shouted pointing her wand at the door, it fell backwards allowing her into the room. The room was filled with all kinds of jewellery, rings and diamonds everywhere. The key stood in the middle, a silver book protecting the silver key. Swinging her fist back it collided with the glass, shattering it to pieces. Her blopdu gand grabbed the key and ran out to find the Basilik fighting back. Slowly she lifted her wand and thought of the Basilik's greatest memory, a spider jumping from her wand. Tinning towards the beast the bogs jump out of the way, grinning once they found Y/N holding the green glowing silver key. Lewis enlarged the size of the spider and they were off. A screech sounding behind them, the Veela had found them. They ran into a open room of kinds, a different creature appearing around the enteries, there was no way out. A ball of black appeared next go her, before it begun twisting and turning like it was trying to figure her out. The bofgatt had Y/N and it was turning into her greatest fear. Lewis looked up and found the exit, and a box just by the Boggart. Without them even noticing he collected the keys as the Boggart continued to scream and twist almost in agony. What they didn't expect was it to turn into Y/N. Like a mirror reflection. However she was wearing her school uniform, the green tur stained with blood. Covered in bruises and scars. Her eyes dark and a evil grin.

"You killed them." It hissed staking towards her, must figures of her friends appeared around her. Blood dripping from the figure of Josh's mouth. Tobi's face was all cut and his body weighed in pain. Harry's face was sliced. Vik's neck was slit. JJ and Simon stood by each other, ood staining their shirts and a green light in their eyes. But the real Y/N didnt take her eyes off the fake Y/N. It begun twisting once more as Lewis turned the keys. The whole in the roof opened. The Boggart switched to how she looked now, mud stained and water soaked. Her greatest fear was herself.

"Accio Brooms!" Will shouted pointing his wand up the vent.

"Riddicklus." Lewis shouted as it begun twisting into a poor him, the Boggart was flown back and out of sight.

"Expecto Patronum." Josh shouted pointing at the Dementors, an eagle bursting through the white light. But Y/N stood still, petrified almost. The Beela screeched and punched towards the girl but as if time was on their side the two brooms Will asked for came zooming down the pipes. Y/N felt Will grab her cloak as he jumped on the broom. However the veela jumped at her at the the time, her claw like nails slipping the skin and material on her stomach. A cry of pain and they flew up into the light. Cheers from all schools. Every house chanting for their team work.

They won, only by a few minutes. Hogwarts in first, Beauxbatons in second and Dumstrang in third.

And they were left alone for a while, until the Yule ball of course.

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