▪︎𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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Her- Harry Lewis

Y/N and Harry had been best friends since as long as she could remember, growing up on a small island like Gurseny was hard with nobody so she was overwhelmed when she met the cute 4 year old holding a rose to her. She remembers it like it was yesterday even though it's still alight blurred in her visions.

"Hiya, I'm Hawwy and you are wery pwetty." She remembered the young bright blue eyed boy holding a white rose to her that he definitely picked from the overgrown bush on the playground. Ever since that day the two have been inseparable, they did everything together. They slept in each others beds at sleepovers, bought each other really cute presents on their birthday and where always at the others house. It had been a while now since the pair were 4, as now they were the ages of 16 and they were sat at Harry's dinner table with the Lewis's. The smell of chicken pie overloaded her senses as she took her seat in between Harry and Rosie, Harry's younger sister. Dinner was a blast, the food was good and there was never an awkward moment.

"You too would be such a cute couple." Miss Lewis said whilst collecting the plates and Y/N froze, you see Y/N had always had a crush on Harry, ever since he saved her from a football to the face one time in year 9. When Y/N finally came out of her mini trance she noticed Harry was twiddling thumbs. It was awkward now.

"Urm Mum, I forget to tell you this but I have a girlfriend." He said nervously rubbing his chest giving Y/N a side eye glance.

"MY BABY IM SO PROUD, Y/N IS SUCH A GOOD GIRL, I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Harry's Mum screamed happily bring the two to her chest but Y/N was shocked, Harry had a girlfriend, since when did Harry have a girlfriend?

"Actually no, it's not Y/N. It's Katie, Katie Leach." Harry said quietly as his mum pulled away with a look of confusion hiding her sadness. Haterd and jealousy filled Y/N up instantly.

"Oh that's nice." Mrs Lewis said sitting back down but Y/N stood up leaving.

"That was a lovely dinner Mrs Lewis, but I must be leaving." Y/N said practically rushing away. And Harry's mum filled with more sadness and confused, Y/N had never called her Mrs Lewis and she had always known the young girl had a crush on her son. She always called her Sue or even Mum on occasions. Rosie knew the girl was hurting, she heard her cries as she ran out of the house however Harry sat staring in the spot she once was with a look of his own confusion within his blue eyes.

Y/N was broken, she had to witness Harry fall more and more in love with Katie everyday and it really breaks her up. Y/N had always thought Harry would take her to prom but here she stood wearing a long black dress that complimented on her skin however she stood alone, with a broken smile staring into the camera. Harry stood about a couple of feet away with Katie laughing as they took their pictures together, her eyes brimming with tears she walked into the hall all alone to which she danced alone all night as Harry danced with Katie. Katie had a look of discomfort as Harry danced in his usual way which was a bit weird but it was hilarious, causing her to stifle a giggle but Harry look up at her and gave Y/N a smile.

Harry didn't realise he was hurting his only best friend as he became a popular youtuber, and he didn't even think twice about telling her about him moving to London. She didn't even know that her childhood best friend and crush was over 178 miles away from her. She felt like an idiot showing up to his door with a bright smile to see Rosie open the door, Harry had always opened the door for her.

"Is Harry in, he promised a cliff diving trip and movies?" Y/N asked still with the soft smile etched upon her face but Rosie only tilted her head at her.

"Y/N... Harry's in London, he moved there 2 weeks ago." As soon as the words left Rosie's mouth, Y/N's smile dropped. Another crack in her heart, another tear to her soul.

"Oh... Okay, nevermind then." She said turning back around to walk down the driveway.

"Wait! Y/N! You love him, don't you?" Rosie asked innocently only for Y/N's sad eyes to look back at her.

"Yeah, I'm so stupid." Was the last thing she said before running away, Rosie's sad eyes following the girl.

The young girl stood upon the cliff edge, the lavender summer dress floating around her. Her white converse discarded somewhere in the lavender field surrounding her. The sun light shorne from the dark sky above casting a angelic look upon the girl.

"I'll just do it without him then." She whispered as she noticed her phone buzzing with a pictures of Harry with their favourite song blasting out,pulling her hair into a ponytail allowing a few fly aways she was ready. With a slight push, her body jumped from the cliff, the wind rising her body in all directions as she descended to the ocean below, the ocean remind her of Harry upon this time. The way all the beautiful blues collided and swirling as if it was his blue eyes looking at her. Her breath hitched in the throat as she dived into the freezing water below. Just like she planned she made her way back to the lavender cliff and picked up her items and set off home to watch movies.

Harry finally noticed the truth, Y/N, he loved Y/N and everything about her. He returned later that year around winter to find the true love of his life and he was broken when he spotted the Y/H/C beauty sat alone upon the cliff with a boy (Harry didn't realise it was y/o/b) , smiling and laughing like they did when they were best friends. Harry forget all about those moments together, he couldn't believe that he left her here.He left her behind. So he wasn't surprised to see the love of his life within another's arms. All the pain Y/N had felt over the years with Harry and Katie came flooding towards him.

He returned home to find his now slightly older sister at the door glaring at him.

"How could you do that Harry?" She cried running towards him and hitting him.

"How could you leave her all alone without even telling her you left." She screamed at him causing Sue to make her way over.

"You left her broken you prick, she came here you know, 2 weeks after you left. Saying you had planned a day out together as you hadn't talked in ages because of Katie. But guess what YOU WEREN'T HERE!" Rosie screamed even louder hitting her older brother's chest which was protected in his sidemen hoodie.

"Mum does she still come over some times?"Harry asked ignoring his sister and his mother nodded towards his old room. It looked exactly the same except the sheets were different and messy and Y/N's clothes were scattered everywhere. He folded her favourite smelling cologne of his within a brand new Y/F/C sidemen hoodie that was custom made with your name upon the back and a note he wrote within his pocket.

He had already left for London when she returned to the Lewis Home. To her surprise a new hoodie lay upon 'her' messy bed. It was a Y/F/C hoodie and as she turned it around she noticed and BubbaToShaw written alone the back in white/black letters and a bottle of Y/N's favourite smelling cologne of Harry's. A smile lifted upon her face as she knew Harry remembers her and she missed him. She felt the note within her pocket and grasped the envelope and pulled it out.

Y/N was written in the front in very neat cursive letters in a bright blue ink. Carefully she opened the letter and began reading.

The letter fell from her grasp as tears roll down her cheeks, she had spent all this time glueing all the piece of her broken soul together and suddenly it all shattered, it all falling down once more. She fell backwards onto the bed and pulled her legs to her chest and cried.

She felt hopeless, if she had known, she wouldn't be in pain. He wouldn't have left her behind, she didn't know she inspired him to be the ball of energy he is today, she didn't know she was the sun within his life that made him believe in himself, helped him create his YouTube channel that had over 14 million people.

All Because Of HER

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