▪︎𝚅𝚒𝚔𝚛𝚊𝚖 𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚗▪︎

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Football Match- Vikram Barn

The score was 4-1 to the Sidemen and Y/N was very proud of her boys, her heart panged for one boy. Vik, he was removed from the game and the team wasn't quite the same, Y/N could see him from her seat in the crowd. Her boy was sat with his head in his hands with his knees on the end of his chair, Y/N could see he was disappointed with himself and she wanted to do something about it. She was sat next to the rest of the sidemen girlfriends and she started whispering to them and the all nodded and smiled. Suddenly standing up they began.

"WE WANT VIK!" It was now being chanted across the stadium getting the attention of the boys and well Vik. He lifted his head with eyes full of tears and looked out beyond the crowd. There she stood, the love of his life, chanting out to him. She looked honestly beautiful, a soft smile etched upon her glowing skin, her lovely y/f/c drifted out of her face. He couldn't miss her in the crowd due to the cute yellow dress she was wearing. Vik was so caught up in his sight that he didn't even realise Simon ran over to collect him.

"Come on Vik, let's pull through. Together." Simon said smiling at the younger boy as he knew that he was feeling down. And like that Simon was helping him down onto the pitch where the crowd went wild.

"Together." He spoke to himself as he casted another look upon the beautiful face of his girlfriend. I Love You she mouthed to him sending a kiss. I Love You Too he mouthed back laughing the kiss and jumping back which caused her to giggle.

𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑

Vik felt the cold trophy within his hands, a rush of admiration and victory running through his veins, he tried to look out to the crowd to find his support human only to find all the Sidemen Girlfriend seats where in fact empty. As the crowd cheer on and the trophy was passed to Josh, Vik suddenly seen a blur of yellow and Y/H/C rush towards him. She flung her body at Vik causing then to both tumble to the floor. She was above him and she giggled noticing the camera watching them.

"I love you." She said before grabbing his football shirt and pulling him upwards so his lips connect with hers, slowly he melted into the kiss and used his arm which was hooked around her waist to lift her onto his lap as they sat up.

"Alright, we get it man your in love." Josh said laughing after Y/N got off him.

"Let's not do the devils tango in front of thousands of people." Josh laughed making sure the sentence was out of range as the three laugh.

"Have I told you that you are amazing?" Y/N asked looking up at him with wide, innocent Y/E/C eyes.

"Everyday Princess." Vik whispered playing with the hem of her dress.

"Start believing me then Vikky." She giggled kissing his weak spot between his neck and his collarbone and then started running. Vik could help but smile at his cute, childish girlfriend with a large bright smile as she giggle running away from him. Before he began to chase her around on the football field.

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