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The Tale Of A Girl He Once Knew- Simon Minter

Song- Pomeii By Bastille
Lyrics Flashbacks

Simon had once know a girl, she was the best type of person he had ever met. She was an angel, a pure innocent soul. She was the happiest girl in school, always smiling as she laughed with her friends. He didn't know it then but they were all so wrong. If only he had know that her pretty smile hid the darkest secrets, her brightest eyes had shed the most tears and her kind heart had felt so much pain. That girl had been in pain and nine of them knew because they all believed she was okay, that she was happy. And her name was Y/N.

I was left to my own devices
Many days fell away with nothing to show

The sun was shining brightly in the sky, the radiant glow of the sun still drifting ove the land. Here she was as usual, the smile on her face lightening her features. Her uniform perfect as normal. And as if clockwork she was walking towards him and JJ.

"Simon, JJ. How about we all hang out later?" She laughed punching both of the boys shoulders as they gave her lopsided grins. But they already had plans and they unfortunately didn't include her, not that they knew it then but if they had gone out with her she would still be here.

Not like the two teenage boys am their friends knew that it would the last time Y/N would have been with them, they didn't know that the girl would have gone into the woods alone. They didn't know taht she would have jumped infront of that jeep.

"See you tomorrow Bubs. We gave soccer practice." Simon called after the girl walking down the brightly lit corridor. She turned waving to them. The same smile in her face as usual.

"See you tomorrow Si, Jide. Tomorrow." She said however they didn't caught the girls smile drop from her face as she walked out of those double doors. They hadn't noticed the pained voice as sshe finished her sentence. The doors shut the girl disappearing behind them. And that was the last time either of the two boys had seen the bright girl.

And the walls kept tumbling down
In the city that we love
Grey clouds roll over the hills
Bringing darkness from above

He hated talking about her, she was the light in their life, even JJ had stopped talking about her like she was still alive. Sure her memory lived in but only through them. They didn't tell anyone about the girl, she was their secret. However once you rise to fame everyone wants to know everything about you so it didn't take long for them to learn of little Miss Y/L/N.

"Simonnnn." She slurred using a french accent on his name causing him to laugh as she made her way over to him. She found herself on the dirty floor of their old tree house, her head in Simon's lap and her feet propped up on JJ's shoulder. The blonde boy looked down at the girl who was playing with his long fingers giggling to herself. The bottle of vodka empty in the treehouse somewhere, they had been drinking but they shouldn't have. And now it was 2am and they were intoxicated and going giddy. She wiggled herself into a more of a comfortable position, she wouldn't realise her mistake until later. They sat and talked that whole night, talked about things they never did. She timed them about her dreams of travelling the world and starting a family. JJ told them his dreams of being a world famous rapper with his best friends by his side. And Simon told them that he was scared, scared that they would grow up and forget about each other. Little did he know that one of their deaths would bring the other two closer.

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