▪︎𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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Little Boy- Harry Lewis

The bright light burned through the room, forcing her to open her eyes. A gust of cold air lifted though the room causing a shiver to run through her but the large arms wrapped around keeping her warm. She followed the lightly tanned arms to find the beautiful sleeping face of her lover. The pretty boy. Another whisp of cold air drifted into the room causing her to look at her outfit, all she was wearing was a pair of PJ shorts amd a bra. She smiled noticing the large red bites travelling across her chest. Reminding her of last night. She slowly removed herself from her boyfriend's arms and pulled one of his sidemen hoodies on before tip toeing out of the room. She found Harry's mum, Sue, boiling herself a cup of tea and Rosie sat on the table.

"Hello Y/N. Would you like a tea?" The woman asked noticing the lovely y/h/c haired girl enter the kitchen. She gave a warm smile in response and sat down at the kitchen table with Rosie who was sat eating from a bowl of cereal.

"Helloooo Y/N. How are you today?" Rosie asked politely as Y/N pulled the hair from her face into a bun.

"Mmmhhh, tired." She responded with a smile causing the younger girl to laugh.

"You are always tired numpty." Rosie giggled taking another spoonful of cereal as Sue placed the boiling cup of tea infront of her.

"That's the point pretty girl." Y/N laughed csusing the pretty girl laugh too, as Harry came with and wrapped his arms around the y/h/c haired girl.

"Good Morning Loser 1 and 2, Mum." Harry said as his arms wrapped around the girl and she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"If anything you are the loser Haz." Rosie said rolling her eyes at her older brother. Amd taking another spoonful of cereal so the milk was left in the bowl.

"Hey where is Josh-" Y/N asked knowing the boy was up but couldn't find him anywhere. The next thing they knew a ball came flying through the open window and bounced on the table. The young boy appeared on the other side of the window. He smiled at the group and ran of noticing the milk drenched Y/N storming towards him.

And now she was being pulled into Harry's room as they were going to react to Ksi's recent video, the disstrack on Harry.

"Hello guys, we have my beautiful girlfriend Y/N with us today." Harry announced bring the smaller girl onto view. Who only smiled and waved as she sat on the boys lap.

"Hi." She said weakly as she smiled and blushed. She pulled on the cuffs of her hoodie as Harry smiled at her.

"And we are reacting to the disstrack JJ just made on me, little boy." He said smiling and she gave a giggle at the stupid face he pulled.

"Let's start then." She laughed as she took the mouse from him and pressed the song. The tune sounding out immediately.

You thought I forgot about you, little boy?
Yo, these *****'s ain't ready

Little boy tryna get involved
Come on, then, come on, then, let's get involved, you prick
Posh boy now wanna rap
Posh boy now wanna scrap
Posh boy bout to get clapped
By the end of the verse, you're gonna wish you never did that

She pressed paused and laughed at him, her smile making him smile.

"I blame your mum for being posh." Y/N laughed and Sue appeared at the door. And pointed at the younger girl.

"Shut it Y/L/N, your lucky I love you." She laughed and disappeared again causing the two to laugh.

"Love you to Susie." She laughed and Harry poked her cheek and the two returned to the video.

Wish you never hit back, Guernsey's little boy's gonna feel it
When I get with the click-click-click-clack
You ain't part of this group
You ain't Sidemen, you gook

"Gook? What does gook mean?" The gilr asked confused looking at the boy, her confused smile making him laugh befor he bowed his head in embarrassment.

"It's an informal and offensive slur for foreigner." He said not looking at the girl causing a pang at her heart.

"Oh Harry. I love you." She said kissing both of his cheeks befor he connected their lips.

"Love you too Y/N." He smiled just looking his girlfriend's cute face.

Deciding when to be a Sideman
While you're too busy faking all the packs
And then making racks and spending all of that shit on

This caused the girl to look at him again wondering if it was true, he physically froze and her heart hurt.

"I haven't, I havent. Y/N i swear i haven't." He begged not letting her know, especially after what happened to her dad.

"Good because you know how I feel about them because of my dad." She whispered looking down remembering her past father. He had died 4 years back due to a drug overdose and she still wasn't over it.

"I swear." He whispered kissing her cheek and looking at the camera worried before they continued.

Now, Rosie a sket
And I know that you're listening beginning to sweat
Little boy not looking innocent all 'cause he wanna be relevant
Tatted my name on my body so you know I'm now in my element (I'm in my element)
Call me whatever you want, still looking up to me (fuck's sake!)
Sidemen the name of the group, all 'cause they needed the help from me
Yeah, bitch, I was the come-up
I'm the foundation for you to go run up
Keep playing FIFA, you ignorant fuck
Your girl is a gold digger, fuck
At least she knows how to suck (oh shit)
Wipe the floor when I deal with scrubs
Come at me, but I win in subs
I'm the giant, just killing bugs
You're just a shit ChrisMD
You need to get off MD
How many girls have you fucked in your life?
One, that's mad

He paused the video and looked at her causing them both to burst out laughing. Her smile lightening up the room.

"Your not bothered about that, are you?" He asked looking at his beautiful girl on his lap and she shook her head rapidly at him.

"Of course not, in fact I'd be a bit worried of you had Haz. We've been together since we were 13." She laughed hugging herself into his chest and she felt the vibrations of his laugh through his chest and kissed his cheek. She sat back up and pressed the button again.

Your girlfriend's forehead, mad
When you ask the sket to go give you head
Her reply is "Which one?" (ahh!)

This caused the girl to subconsciously bring her hamd up to her head as if measuring it, that looked painted across her face. However her hand was taken in a warmer one and she meet Harry's blue eyes.

"Don't listen to him, have you seen his." He asked taking the girls hands. His words causing her to laugh at him, he wasn't wrong.

Your dad is a weirdo (ayy)
He looks just like a pedo (ayy)
More inbred than yeast (ayy)
Your mum gets fucked by sheep (ayy)
Your sister fucks a crowbar (ayy)
Fam, it's really that deep (ayy!)
Sorry, *****, but I said it (ayy)
Little boy, now regret it

You want to say that shit to me? Huh?
You want to say that shit to me?
Learn how to spell "renowned", you fucking idiot
Ayy, ayy
Ayy, ayy
Not today, little boy
Ayy, ayy

Both of them laughed as the video finished, they had to admit it was a good song and he wasn't as bad as they expected. But somethings he had said had infact struck the girl, like the crack joke and her forehead. But she had Harry by her side the whole time reminding her that he loved her and she was perfect in his eyes.

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