▪︎𝚃𝚘𝚋𝚒 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗▪︎

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We Are Going To Be Parents- Tobi Brown

Tobi was the quiet one of the sidemen and Y/N well she was the opposite. If she believed in something then she opened her mouth and Tobi loved her for it. Tobi had meet Y/N when the North Yorkshire lass moved in next door. He remembers that day vividly.

Tobi had just returned back from a long day at the football pitch with the boys and decided to have a relrelaxing bath, however it was cut short when the couple next door began screaming at each. He didn't think much off it until he heard a glass smash and the girl scream. He literally ran out of his bathroom pulling on a pair of shorts and a made his way to the next apartment.

"For fuck sake Y/L/N, you never do anything right." He heard a man shouted as he rapidly knocked on the door, scared of what was in side.

"Please stop." He heard a girl whisper and that's all it took for Tobi to begin to break the door down. He remember running inside and finding the contents of the room. The TV was completely smashed and everything was broken, glasses everywhere and ripped books. But no sight of the couple. He found the bedrooms pretty quickly and barged through. The man, who resembled a mix between Josh and Simon was stood over a crying girl as he teared her shirt from her body. Tobi dove forward and knkconed the man out clean, the girl overjoyed someone had saved her. Robin's eyes scanned the girl, she was beautiful. She had lovely y/h/c and the brightest y/e/c coloured eyes. He remembered taking the girl in his arms as she cried into his shoulder and carried her to his place.

Now Tobi laid in their king size bed looking at the girl, the time shown on her face. He could still see the scar where her ex boyfriend slashed her with the broken shard of glass. His eyes moved from his beautiful wife to see the time.

7:01 am

Meaning y/n would be waking up any second to start her day. Her head rested in his bare chest and she rose and fell with his chest, her beautiful y/e/c coloured eyes shut causing her long lashes to dust across her cheeks. He could almost counted the freckles upon her face. Brushing a strand of her hair away from her face did she begin to wake up.

"Good Morning Princess." Tobi whispered to her causing that same bright smile he loved to stretch across her face.

"Good Morning Love." She said in her northern accent as she removed herself from the warm sheets and pulled out his old sidemen hoodie and slipped it over her head, the pastel blue colour complimented her perfectly. She leaned over their bed and pressed a chaste kiss to his his forehead and she began making her way downstairs, Tobi smiling at his beauty wife as she left and he decided to go shower.

The smell of chocolate pancakes filling his senses the second he stepped out from the steaming room. He followed the drool- worthy smell to the kitchen where Y/N was found wiggling her hips to the beat of the song as she flipped her pancake. His arms wrapping around her waist and she giggled at the touch. A smile finding his face at her giggle.

As predicted the food was amazing but something seemed to be wrong with Y/N, she was constantly tapping her finger on the table, a sign she was nervous and her nose was twitching a slight bit, a sign she was scared. But Tobi decided to not say anything and reminded her that the sidemen were doing a hide and seek video today and they were wanted at Thorpe Park at 11 am.

So as requested she made her way upstairs to get changed and leaves her phone on the table, it buzzed and he decided to leave it seeing as he trusted her. She came down the stairs again completely ready for their day, she was only wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a white stripped top with doc Martins but to him she looked beautiful. Just as they were leaving she grabbed the reflective jacket from his clothing line and hopped in the car. She even talked her fingers against her thigh as he drove, her anxiety running wild.

Seeing as Y/N told Harry the news he wanted to be the person who capture it on video. So the second they were told to hide, he grabbed the girls hand and sprinted the the park. Not like the boys had noticed but her bump was beginning to round so Y/N and Harru sat cooped up in a tent with a sunshine maker as they talked about how cute the baby would be. Tobi was third last to be found and decided to help them look for the two youngest of the group. As they were getting closer, they picked up a big of their conversation.

"You should name him after me seeing as I am the best sideman." Harry laughed flexing his muscles causing her to laugh at him and punch him. And took another sip of her cherry slush.

"Absolutely not Harold. Plus he will look nothing like a Harold anyway." She laughed and they had found them. The two screaming like girls once JJ's head appear between the doors. The removed themes and Harry gave the girl a thumbs up before they left.

"So what where you guys talking about?" Tobi said slinging his arm over his wife knowing those two were like little children and always were getting into trouble.

"Well Harry was telling me that I should name our baby Harold." She told him as Y/N smiled and all smiles dropped togethers except for Harry who was zooming in the couple.

"B...baby?" Tobu asked confused looking at the girl, it obviously not clicking. But when it did, it was like a light bulb went of in his head and a spark appeared in his eyes.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He shouted pulling the girl into his arms as he jumped around happy.

"IM GOING TO BE A DADDDD!" Tobi screamed at the top of his lungs as the lads began to cheer for the two. Tobi bringing his girl in closer.

"I love you. And you." He whispered pressing one hand to her cheek and the other to her bump.

"We love you too." She whispered before he pulled away and began running around the park screaming that he was a dad. Telling everyone he passed, this continued until they were home and they two, well three, were laid in bed again.

They were going to be parents.

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