▪︎𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙻𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚜▪︎

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She Was Never Enough- Harry Lewis

The sidemen, a worldwide know YouTube group. International internet sensations. However it was slowly becoming too much for them and the only girl. Y/N Panye, the sidewomen. Her and Harry had been dating since they were 17, they were 23 now. Out of everyone in the group, she hot the most hate. But she ignored it for as long as she ould because she loved these guys. But slowly she was realising she made no part in the group, she was the gutl that was last to be picked, the one in the background. It was lockdown now, she couldn't see any of her friends for a while. It had been 3 months, nobody called, mo messages. She lived in the same apartment block as Simon and JJ, although they never came to check in on her. They only calls she got was to join the sidemen with filming the new video. She was filling the bath with boiling water getting ready to relax in the bubble bath after a boring day. The new video would be uploaded any second now.

The title,it was different from what it usually was. Normal it would have.

The Spelling Bee- Sidemen Addition

Seeing as Y/N was intact part of the sidemen. But now it read

The Spelling Bee- Sidemen Addition plus Ethan's Sister.

She didn't think much off it and slipped into the bath as she begun reading the comments.

User1- good I actually hate Y/N yku should just kick her out

Harryismine- I wish that Y/N person would just go away she is so annoying

Ksiforlife- I hope this means they kicked her out of the group, she doesn't deserve to be here.

She used to love making videos with the boys, she was happier back then. Now she had more hate as more people subscribed to the sidemen.

She decided they were right.

Simon's phone buzzed as it laid on the counter. He was just editing a video so he picked up the phone and answered it seeing as it was Harry.

"Hello Bog, what's up?" Simon asked his friend as he typed away in the computer.

"Hi Si, have you noticed the comments on the new sidemen video? They are all directed at Y/N." Harry said through the phone and seeing as Simon could hear the hint of worry in his tone, he clicked on the video and he was right.

"Are they like this is on-" Simon started but Harry cut the older boy off.

"Yes, all of them." He chipped in, they all noticed that something was wrong with Y/N lately but they just shrugged it off as she was in a bad mood.

"I've tried calling her but I went straight to voicemail." Harry said to the boy and Simon panicked. Y/N had always picked up the phone, whether it was late at night or early in morning. Whether she was on the toliet or cooking she always answered.

"Right call her again, and I'll go down to hers to see if she is okay Haz." Simon told the boy as he stood up. He was waiting for the elevator to reach his floor as he wasn't preparing to walk down all those steps to get to her, not knowing what was happening in her bathroom. His phone rang again and he picked it up once more.

Harry was crying, sobbing to him.

"Get down there quick, I think she has done something terrible. She said something about not being good enough, she said goodbye Harry. She never says that." Harry cried and Simon ended the call and began sprinting down the steps, he had known the girl for a while now and he wasn't prepared to lose her.

It didn't take him long to find her floor, and he was knocking on the door within seconds. The door opened with a creak and Y/N's roommate opened the door with a smile.

"Hello, your Simon right-" The girl started however he pushed passed her and was running through the apartment to find her.

He had checked everywhere, everywhere but the bathroom. Slowly he turned his head towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. He was begging that she hadn't done what he though she might off.

He screamed when his eyes landed on her body, her skin as white as the tube. Her eyes wide staring into space but there was no life behind them. He cried as he crawled towards the girl laying in the tub. The water was a slightly red coloured, mixing with the blood. One of her hands were reaching over the tub and into the air so blood dripped down her arms and onto the floor from her fingers.

"Y/N?" He cried pulling the dead body towards him, he grabbed a towel of the counter and pulled her towards him. He wrapped the towel around her body as they sat in the bathroom, blood bleeding through the towel staining his shirt, her eyes wide staring at him, her body cold. She was dead. Slit her wrists in the bathroom.

"H....har....harry?" Simon cried down the phone hugging the dead body of his best friends girlfriend and one of his best friends sister.

"Simon what happened? Is she okay, please tell me she is okay." Harry said his voice cracking.

"Harry. She....she...slit her wrists. In the bathroom." Simon told the boy nearly letting himself break down once more. Harry's screams where painful, he screamed for hours even when the Callum's took the boy in their arms he continued. He screamed and cried for days, the love of his life gone. He didn't know to handle it.

The news was spread to the fans and they acted like they cared, this made Harry angry. So instead of uploading the Sidemen Sunday video like he was supposed to, he uploaded his video.

"Hello Guys, its wroetoshaw here, or Harry as some of you may know. So late on Sunday night last week, the love of my life took her own life. Because of you guys. The hate had got to her and it started to make her feel useless. But that's how life is isn't it, you push someone to the edge and when they jump you can't handle the consequences. It's really nice that all you guys are reaching out and praying for her, but I'm asking you to stop. Y/N loved you guys so much that she pretended to be happy just to make you guys happy, she tried her best to continue going even in the darkest of times but now shes gone. Unfortunately for now I will not be joining the Sidemen on Sundays. So goodbye for now, WroeToShaw logging off." Harry said looking at the camera as he tried to not cry. But then it was Ethan's turn.

"Hey it's Ethan. I know that recently the news of Y/N's suicide has begun to get around and I'm unfortunate to announce that it is infact true. The life of my baby sister taken by fans she adored. Thanks to all those haters out there, I will never let to see Y/N again, never be able to hug her when she is sad. I'm never going to get to see her walk down that aisle looking beautiful as ever to Harry. I will never get to experience meeting her first born and she will never be able to hold her baby girl she wanted for as long as I can remember. For the next few weeks, i have decided to not join the sidemen as I have not been seen fit to. Goodbye guys, Ethan." He finished.

True to their word they stopped showing up in sidemen videos, this happened for weeks, the weeks became months and those months became 2 years. The sidemen had officially broken up, thanks to the death of a friend. A friend that will never be forgiven in their hearts.

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