▪︎𝙹𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚊 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚕𝚎𝚢▪︎

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They Aren't Just Friends- Joshua Bradley

Joshua Bradley and Y/N Y/L/N, best friends since birth. Those two did everything together, from bathing as children to her rising her life for him that one time. What was hers was his, and what was his was hers. So it wasn't unusual to find the girl walking around in his clothes, nor was it unusual for the bearded boy to use her car. Both of them liked the other as children but never got the bravery to tell the other, so they hide their feelings. Until almost 10 years later, at a sidemen party. It started out with a dare, a simple kiss but had become so much more after that.

Leading up to now.

The music blarring in her ears, no doubt giving her a headache. The repeating pounding making her sick, the humid sweaty air making her throat kill. The alcohol drink in her hand was close to spilling all over her as she danced. Her hips swinging at the beat of the song. His hands gribbing her waist tightly as he danced between her. His warm breath wafting I to the nape of her neck. The thin layer of sweat giving her the perfect glow.

"Joshy? Please." She whispered as she felt his boner sticking into her loswer back. His head fell onto her shoulder as a grunt left his mouth, her hips rocking against his.

"Please what Princess." He teased as he played with the hem of her dress, a rich red in colour, they kind that hungged her body and was laced up in the sides. A throaty moan left her mouth as he wrapped a hand around her neck, moving the sweaty hair from her face.

"Pleaee, fuck me." She whispered and he didn't have to be told twice. He grabbed the girl by the wrist and begun pulling her outside the club. Her hands ran over his body like she needed him now. Her breath stuck of alcohol but so did his, the taste of Whidkey invaded his mouth as he kissed her. It didn't take long for the two to run to the hotel they were all staying in. Greeting the worker at the desk they rushed inside the elevator. Slamming the button to the 9th floor before bring her back in for a kiss. Her hands travelled to his short and slowly begun unbuttoned the white material. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he picked her up by her butt and pushed her against the elevator wall. His large hands hiking up her thighs towards her dress.

The second the door opened, Y/N was already dragging him to his hotel room. Slamming her against the door the second it shut. Moans escaped their mouths as his hands traveled up her dress and grabbed the skin of her waist. Y/N was bigger then most girls, on the chubby side but Joshua didn't care, he liked grabbing her body.

"Joshy. Please." She cried as he left hickeys all over her neck and chest. Without a second thought he pushed the girl onto the bed, landing with an ooff. The soft material letting her sink in as Josh climbed on top of her, using one of his hands to hold her wrists above her head. He leaned down so his mouth was near her ear.

"Now tell me Y/L/N, fast and rough or slow and sweet." He questioned but he already knew his answer as the girl squirmed to be touched beneath him. A moan leaving her mouth as his teeth grazed the soft flesh of her bruised neck. Josh quickly pushed up her dress to her waist and did quick work of his pants buttons. But it was Y/N who pulled them off, eager to be touched. Her warm hands pulled his cock from his boxers and ghe could tell he was big amd took him in her mouth. He was about 8 invhes but he was thick, veins running along his shaft to the tip, which was already leaking with precum. Her head bop up and down with his hands wrapped in her hair. Her gag reflex making her skin as she took him whole, and slowly behind sucking.

"Ugh I'm gonna-" he cried but cut off as his cum slept into her mouth, the taking swallowing it instantly. Stitfhung them over Y/N lay beneath him once more as he kissed her, the tase of his own cum on his mouth.

"Well done baby girl." He whispered holding the girls neck in his hands caring her to mona lady as the pressure rebuild up in her stomach. His mouth stucking on the flesh of her collarbone he pushed himself into her, a pain filled moan came from the girl. At a slow pace he begun to thrust in and out as she got used to the size of his cock.

"JOSH!" She cried put as he begun thrusting into her harder and harder as he hit the spot, her back arching from the bed as his hands found her neck. She was in pure bliss, stars appeared in her visions. A weight building up in her stomach as he pounded into her harder and harder, amd she realused. Her juices squirting out of her and onto his cock. But he didn't stop, however after she came for the second time. Now he was slower like he was going to pull out. However with a new found strength she had flipped them both over so she was onto. It was Joshua's turn to moan now, breaths of pleasure escaping as she rode him to his high. His eyes rolling into his head as she bounced up and down on his cock, her boobs jumping in her skimpy dress. He grabbed her by the waist as he felt like he was going to cum. Both of them moaning as he finally released. The two were left panting on the bed, a sticky later of sweat on their skin. She was mumbling into his bare chest but he didn't catch a word.

"I'm going in the shower." He felt her mouth vibration against his chest and slowly he helped the naked girl up. Linking am dame under hers and swinging her up. She was placed in his rs in a bridal position as he walked her to the bathroom. Seating her on the toliet he allowed the bath to fill with warm water, bubbles and a peachy scent too. And he left her to clema herself of as he went to clean himself, thinking about it he should just ask her out. They were just friends with benefits but the feelings were there.

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