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read in dark mode
press the A button on the right and select the black box

read in dark modepress the A button on the right and select the black box

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I closed the Instagram app and opened snapchat again. It was 21:13 and my shift at the supermarket began only 30 minutes ago. I hated working night shifts, the store was empty and no one comes in except couples buying last minute condoms. I tilted the screen to the ceiling and sent it to my streaks. The next hour or so was just me scrolling through my phone and spinning around on my chair.

Once again I turned my phone over to see the time, 22:34. I sighed and closed my eyes for what felt like moments. But then I heard the doors open. I rubbed my eyes and leaned over to see if I could spot the person who walked in. But no one was there. I think the tiredness was getting to me once more. On my next break I'm definitely getting coffee or maybe a muffin. Oh, maybe both.

My mind wandered as I thought about my later snacks and drinks. But I was snapped out my daze as something dropped on the conveyor belt. I immediately looked up to see a group of five boys with their food and drinks in their hands. "Holy shit." I screeched at the sight of them. Maybe I wasn't going crazy then.

Two of the boys where clearly towering over every else. One of the was taller and had clear black skin and was wearing a black adidas tracksuit. The other tall boy had tan skinned and hazel eyes, and was wearing my weakness an all grey tracksuit. The smallest boy had fluffy black hair and was smiling mischievously. The boy next to him had one of the sharpest jawline I had ever seen and was smiling widely. The last boy had an edgar cut. What a shame.

"Hello?" The small one said while waving a hand in front of my face. I fell out of my trance and nodded quickly before beginning to scan their items. "Sorry I-uh" I began to explain before realising I couldn't speak in front of the boys. "It's all good, I'm Alejandro." The jawline boy said before grabbing the scanned items and putting them back in the basket. I nodded before turning back to the items.

The boys began their own conversations and I zoned out of it, not wanting to eavesdrop on the conversation. I scanned the pepsi bottle and pressed the total button. "18.13 dollars please." I said to no one in particular. The boy in the grey tracksuit pulled out his wallet and passed me a twenty. I reached out to pass him the change. And they all walked off. I sighed in contentment as I watched them leave the store.

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supermarket  - 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐎Where stories live. Discover now