dont want to leave

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"hey av"

"hey mattia."

"i'm sorry about cynthia. we
never dated. she was wrong
about what she said about

"i know, mattia."

"please talk to me don't be

"what do i have to say? ive
been humiliated i really
believed we had something,

"i know. i think that to,

"you know i really care
about you, like a lot.
she's jealous of you. so
jealous baby."

"what's there to be jealous of?
a nobody who found a
famous boy in trader joes?"

"no , you are so much more
than a nobody. i love that
you work a trader joes. that
you work for you and your
sister to get a better life. i
love that you don't care
about my fame or my
money. and the fact that you
are so beautiful. so so
beautiful, av."

"tia, are you sure you guys
never dated?"



"yes, ava?"

"can you come over now?"

"i'm on my way, baby."

DEATH BED BY POWFU was playing through Ava's speakers, the window open making a soft breeze enter the room

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DEATH BED BY POWFU was playing through Ava's speakers, the window open making a soft breeze enter the room. Her door was locked and she lay in her bed eyes closed listening to the music. A body of a special person lay next to her, Ava's head on his chest. Leaning his arms to cuddle around her torso. Her delicate hand was lightly scratching his abdomen while she hummed along to the melody.

There is very few times in ones life were everything seems still, like time has stopped and that if you had a time machine at every chance you could you would go back to that time. today was one of them no doubt, after ava felt so sad about cynthia's words Mattia had calmed her down. and she was very grateful.

"I don't want to leave." Mattia announced after a few silent seconds between them. She glanced up at him he didn't look back and continued to stare at her ceiling. "I really don't want to leave." He continued, still not looking at Ava. She placed her cheek back on his chest and spoke softly, "why?" He didn't respond for a minute, and only the soft music in the background filled the silence.

"You." He confirmed, Ava jumped out of his arms to sit up next to him. "What? You don't want to leave because of me?" She stuttered our shocked by his one word statement. He looked at her alarmed and flushed and nodded his head embarrassed. Ava watched him closely before straddling his waist and holding his hands in hers. "Mattia, you have to go. For your fans. For your family. For your friends. And for me." She stated.

"I know. You'll be hear when I come back right." He asked her. Ava nodded and leaned into him to hug him, "of course I will be." She whispered into his ear. "As long as you come back for me." He looked at Ava in her eyes directly smiling, "of course I will."

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