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My ears perked at the familiar voice that was coming from behind me

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My ears perked at the familiar voice that was coming from behind me. I turned towards it as I stayed sat down on Alejandro's bed. It was Mattia. I believe that was his name anyways. He had wet hair that was parted in the middle and was wearing a white vest and chain with adidas joggers. I can't lie he looked really good. I must have been looking for way to long as when I glanced back up to his face. He was in front of me.

"Supermarket girl?" He asked while looking at me. We were looking into each other's eyes for some reason, both of us not willing to pull our eyes away. "Yeah, i'm Ava." I grinned while moving down Alejandro's bed to make some room for him. But he doesn't move instead he just stands in the same spot.

"Hey, horny shit! Sit!" Kairi yells out breaking Mattia out his trance. Alvaro laughs but beckons Mattia to sit next to him. Mattia looks at Alvaro then at the seat next to me. I look at the floor out of embarrassment, I've only said one thing and I was blushing like crazy when I did.

I stayed like that for a minute until I felt a whisper in my ear. "Hey, you good princess?" His voice tickled me and the hairs on my neck and I felt myself spin. How can someone's voice be attractive? I looked up to see the rest of the boys were on their phones or talking to each other. So I turned to Mattia.

He was smirking and I just noticed his arm was around my waist and the other edging closer to my thigh. Serious fuck boy vibes. I looked into his eyes, as he did the same. For a moment it was only us in the room. For someone I just met, we were very close. I barely have ever done anything with a boy, my first and last kiss was 4 years ago.

"Mattia! Come make a tiktok with me!" Roshaun yelled you him as him and Kairi stood there waiting for him. I reluctantly tore my eyes away from his and tilted my head towards them wanting him to go to them. He pouts and sighs before heading over. I watch him walk over before looking around the room.

Alejandro's room was nice, he had a very organised room, like any teen boy's and LED lights on his wall that were purple. As I looked over to his windows I noticed a ring light on the ledge. Why would he have a ring light? Maybe he just takes good snaps? When I looked away I saw Alejandro and Alvaro on either side of me.

"Holy fuck." I said as I closed my eyes in shock. I heard them laugh and when I opened my eyes again they weren't laughing anymore. I looked between them as they stayed silent. "Uh? Are you guys good?" I asked them both. Alvaro glanced over at Mattia who was leaning over Kairi's phone. "Look it's about Mattia." He explained quietly not wanting him to hear us. I nod, urging them to continue.

"He literally has been talking about you for days. That's why we invited you here." Alejandro whispers to me. I nod slowly confused as to why they were saying this to me. "But some times he can you know be uh- a bit untrustworthy with girls." He continues on. I grown mentally, why would they invite me here if I was going to get played? "But we can tell your different, so the reason we are saying this is because we think you can change him." Alvaro says to me me making Alejandro nod in agreement.

I look over at Mattia to see his also staring at me, he grins and winks then turns back to Kairi.

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