new friend

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"IF YOU DON'T SPEED the fuck up i will throw a bowling ball at your dick

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"IF YOU DON'T SPEED the fuck up i will throw a bowling ball at your dick." Roshaun sassed to Kairi, who was trying to pull a suitcase the size of him. Mattia snorted but still went to help Kairi with his bag. "Why do you need to even bring this much with you, Kai?" Ava asked as she stood next to Alvaro and Alejandro.

"The weather is unpredictable." He justified himself while joking the circle the teens had formed in front of security. They all laughed at the small boy as Alvaro began to speak, "It's Chicago it can only be cold." He snickered. Kairi huffed and sat against his suitcase, Ava reached over and ruffled his hair. "It's ok- just leave room to bring me back deep dish pizza."

"I'm going to miss you guys." Ava huffed as she leaned against Mattia. He smiled at her and leaned his arm around her slim shoulders, she looked up at him and giggled. "Yeah yeah. We all know who you'll miss more." Alejandro joked, rolling his eyes dramatically while looking over at Mattia. Mattia glared back at him, while lightly kissing Ava's head.

"Yeah me, duh." Roshaun said while opening his arms for Ava. She smiled at him and fell out of Mattia's grip to hug the tall boy. His arms wrapped around her in an older brother way- while she hung on him. "I'm going to miss you, Roro" She exclaimed as he let go of her. "I know, Roshauna will miss you too." Ava giggled like a child replying, "Tell her i'll miss her too."

She moved over to Kairi who was still mad and sitting against his suitcase. But nether the less opened his arms for the slightly shorter girl to fall into. "Imma miss you, whore." He whispered in her ear. She reached her hand to his head and slapped it. "I'll miss you too, gilipollas (idiot in spanish). He squinted his eyes while releasing her from the hug. "I know what that means."

"Ok stop hogging her!" Alejandro announced while basically pouncing on to Ava in a hug. She fell back slightly but leaned into his arms. "por favor mantente segura." (please be safe out there) She said loudly knowing only Alvaro and Alejandro knew Spanish. He nodded in her neck and spoke back, "Te extrañaré hermanita." (i'll miss you little sister). Ava smiles behind his back, nearly brought to tears by the small comment.

Alvaro held his arms open for the girl she went into them easily, Ava was closest to Alvaro and she saw him as her best friend. "please don't leave me with them." He joked loudly so the others could hear. Mattia rolled his eyes and flipped him off. "I'm only a call away, varo." She hummed before leaving his arms.

"Finally." Mattia sighed jokingly as Ava fell into his arms for the millionth time today. She breathed in his scent discreetly and squeezed him tightly. His head lay on top of her head. "I will miss you so fucking much, av." He stated as he fiddled with his fingers at her waist. She smiled into his shadow hill hoodie and responded, "I'll miss you too Tia."

"We have to go." Kairi whispered but loud enough for the two teens to hear. Their limbs separated and they stood in a circle once more as the boys gathered their things. "I'll see you guys later." Ava mumbled, trying not to cry. The boys began to walk over to security, and even though she only just met them she  knew she would miss them.

Ava began to walk over to her car to drive home until her phone buzzed in her pocket. She drew it out to see a new notification from Instagram.


@ avani: hey babe i'm flying out to new jersey tomorrow want to hang out? ❤️

@  avarxseee: i would love that let me know when
you land i'll pick you up!

maybe these 3 days wouldn't be that bad.

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