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"GET THE HELL IN." roshaun screamed from the window of Ale's car- well his mom's car that was big enough for everyone and luggage. "Shut up. It's to early for this shit." Mattia complained throwing his and Ava's suitcase in the trunk before closing it and also getting himself in the car.

Ava and Mattia took the last row to themselves as alvaro and kairi sat on the middle and ale with roshaun up front. "Let's go then." Alejandro smiled driving out of Ava's driveway and of to playlist. Alvaro looked up from his phone in disgust. "You know it's highly unnatural to be so happy at this time of the day right?"

Ava giggled from the back, making Mattia look up from his phone. "Leave him alone, he's happy." Ava laughed and leaned her head on to Mattia's shoulder. Mattia smiled and kissed her forehead softly before pulling her close and leaning his head on hers.

"We get it your dating." Kairi rolled his eyes and pretended to vomit. Ava opened her eyes and shot him daggers with her eyes. "No. We aren't dating, shrimpy." She sassed cuddling into Mattia again. Kairi's cheeks became red and the rest of the car began laughing.

"Yeesh, don't hold back, Ava!" Roshaun screamed turning to spud her but she didn't move her arm or open her eyes. Mattia pushed his fist away and began cuddling her again. Alejandro began to play music in the car, rap immediately ran through the speakers and Ava groaned.

"de verdad alejandro? esto es una mierda, juega algo bueno!" Ava said in spanish knowing only Alejandro would understand her. Alvaro laughed, also understanding what she had said. Alejandro obeyed and turned the music off.

"My back hurts!" Ava groaned about 20 minutes into the drive. Mattia woke up from his light sleep to see ava pouting and fidgeting in her seat. "Ava." Mattia opened his arms out and pushed his blanket of his lap. She looked up annoyed to see his eyes were half open and inviting her into his arms.

"Are you sure?" She asked, biting her thumb. She heard a loud sigh erupt from in front of her. "Get in the boys lap, please. Your being loud." Kairi complained and put his head back on the window falling back into a sleep. "Preach my man." Roshaun followed. Ava turned back to Mattia to see him smirking.

"Fine." She sighed and crawled over into his lap, her head laying on his chest. "Thank you." She whispered, pulling the blanket back over them. "No problem." He said falling asleep again.

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@ tiktokroom:  a leaked photo from Kairi's and Alejandro's spams! what are we thinking? 🤔

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@ tiktokroom: a leaked photo from Kairi's and Alejandro's spams! what are we thinking? 🤔

@ kairi: ok fuck y'all snitches on my spam

@ user: y'all said fuck safety 💀

@ user: and why are we shocked?

@ roshaun: lol wait till they wake up😂 can't wait lemme notify them @ mattiapolibio @ avarxsee

@ user: aren't they going playlist?


@ alvaro.romero: why he look like that tho 😳

@ user: mad. like we never knew they were fucking 😭

 like we never knew they were fucking 😭

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