the l word

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"YOUR REALLY STUPID tia." Ava sighed, using her right hand to wipe the blood of his hands and face. He nodded silently, and tried to look into ava's eyes but she wouldn't look at him in the eye. She carried on wiping the blood and applying plasters and bandages without a word.

"Why won't you look at me?" He asked, almost in tears. She glanced up to see his eyes were puffy and red, tears threatening to fall. She softened at his face and cupped his face with her hands. "I'm sorry Tia. I just was mad I caused you to get hurt again." She whispered to him. He still looked down.

All he wanted to do was kiss her. They haven't kissed yet. They were both afraid to bring it up or do it. They had acted like a couple for the past weeks but no one had taken the final action.

"Don't be mad." She whispered once more before leaning up to his body on the counter and kissing him. Their lips met, finally. His lips were soft against hers, and they slowly began moving against each other. It wasn't lustful or passionate but it was what they both wanted.

"I'm definitely not anymore." He smirked, as they separated from one another. Her hands stayed around his neck, her cheeks glowing red. "Mattia is back then." She joked rolling her eyes, and getting closer to him.

He smiled as-well snaking his hands around her waist; "Only for you." He smiled genuinely, before connecting their lips once more. "I only done it for you." He said once they parted again. She tilted her head urging him to continue. "I hit him because he said things about you. Things that shouldn't be said about you or any other woman." He explained.

"It all added up the DM's, his words even tiktokroom. I did it for you." He finished. "I kn-" he began to say but was interrupted by Ava's lips against his. They kissed for a while, all the time they should have adding into this one kiss. "I love you." She admitted, looking to the floor.

Mattia's hand found her chin and lifted her face up. They looked into each other's eyes; Ava afraid of what was next out of his mouth. "I love you too." He smiled, jumping of the counter and spinning her around in his arms. Ava laughed hard as he began to tickle her too. And that's what filled the bathroom their laughs, their hugs and their love.

 And that's what filled the bathroom their laughs, their hugs and their love

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