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"So what are we doing, shawty?" Mattia asked her as he flopped his lanky body on her bed. His hair lay messily on her silk sheets. Ava awed at the sight of him, but her sheets were new and his greasy hair was messing it up. "Looking after my sister. Now get up." She said bossily while dragging him up by the arm. He pouted and pushed himself back on the bed. "No. I'm tired." He explained to her while snuggling into her sheets once more. Ava sighed, and gave up- making at note that she would have to clean her sheets again.

She sat next to him on the bed, watching his lap yes flutter as rested- but not asleep. Ava reached her hand out to brush his hair out of his eyes. His face immediately leaned into her touch, she moved her hand to his cheek and stroked it. "I'm going to go look after Emiliana." She spoke hushed, trying not to ruin the calmness between them. He nodded in her hand and moved his head slightly to press his slightly chapped lips to her hand. Before turning back into her sheets.

Ava smiled at him, even though he couldn't see her- and she got up and walked out of her room leaving the sleepy boy behind. "Emiliana!" She called out, as she reached the top of the stairs; her sister came dashing out her room and into Ava's arms. Ava picked her up and held her on her hip. Even though Emiliana was only 5 they had a very close bond, when your parents practically leave you in the dust- you become very close. Emiliana adored Ava everything Ava did made her amazed- she loved Ava.

"What are we doing then Princessa?" Ava asked Emiliana as her cheek lay on Ava's chest. Ava already knew the answer Emiliana loved Barbie like every other five year old. But in particular the movies, whenever Emiliana and Ava has time they would binge watch them with snacks on snacks. "Barbie!" Emiliana yelled, quickly moving her cheek from Ava's chest, leaping down.

"Ready?" Ava asked as she walked back into the living room after getting their snacks. Emiliana smiled with her gaps showing, before jumping next to Ava on the couch. She pressed play, and heard the movie play but it wasn't long until she fell asleep as well.

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