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IT JUST PASSED 2AM AND AVA was in the supermarket stocking shelves

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IT JUST PASSED 2AM AND AVA was in the supermarket stocking shelves. She leaned her head to her forearm and yawned, she had been working since 6pm the day before and her shift was ending just about now. She finished the last box and began to walk towards the back where she would gather her things and leave.

Ava walked into the locker room, grabbing her bag and other things and placed them down on the bench. It took her a moment until she realised it was the same bench she had comforted mattia on weeks ago. She stared at the space for a minute until walking out of the locker room.

She texted the baby sitter that she was on the way home. Ava always wished to leave her job, she had to struggle a job, online school and looking after her sister. It was tiring and to now do tiktok aswell she had no time. Ava wished to finish her senior year in a real school- but at this rate it was never gonna happen.

 Ava wished to finish her senior year in a real school- but at this rate it was never gonna happen

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kio cyr
hey ava right?

kio cyr
i'm kio i saw you on my
fyp and i thought you
were cute 😊

kio cyr
i don't want to bother you

ava rxsee
oh hey kio

ava rxsee
no your not bothering
me and thank you

kio cyr
no problem cutie 😉

kio cyr
how are you?

ava rxsee
not great lol

ava rxsee
i'm sure you saw the tea
it's everywhere tbh

ava rxsee
just hurt tbh

kio cyr
yeah i saw all of that
i'm sorry you don't deserve that

kio cyr
you are beautiful you don't
deserve what happened to you

kio cyr
if it helps he is a bitch
i never liked him tbh

ava rxsee
nah i know he is!

ava rxsee
thanks kio your really
sweet ☺️

kio cyr
it's ok,
you live in nj right?

ava rxsee
yeah i do.
i mean no shit that's how
i knew mattia ...

kio cyr
oh obviously
sorry sweetheart

kio cyr
after social bash
i'm heading to new jersey for
a while i was thinking
we could meet

ava rxsee
oh wow!
that's cool um sure i'll
be happy to have you

ava rxsee
let me know
when you land and
i'll pick you up

kio cyr
bet ❤️

kio cyrbet ❤️

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@ avani: uhh london be hella cold tho ✋

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@ avani: uhh london be hella cold tho ✋

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@ user1: avani + anthony 🥺

@ anthonyreeves: beautiful.

@ avarxsee: avani! you guys are so cute uwu!!!

@ avarxsee: i will beat you up if you hurt her. good luck tho ✌️

@ user2: periodt

@ mattiapolibio: congrats man

@ kiocyr: yes anthony!!!

@ avani: hey mr ava

⤷  @ mattiapolibio: what?

⤷  @ mattiapolibio: what?

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supermarket  - 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐎Where stories live. Discover now