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"AVANI STOP FUCKING ANTHONY and pay attention to me

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"AVANI STOP FUCKING ANTHONY and pay attention to me." Ava complained, over the phone. She was in the lobby of the hotel all the creators were staying at and was waiting for her friend to come downstairs. "Chill, like you don't ass like Mattia. I'm coming." She sassed before ending the call on her friend.

"Is she coming?" Alvaro asked from next to Ava. She turned and nodded to him. "Why aren't you with the boys anyways?" She asked him, she came down here about 10 minutes ago and Alvaro followed a couple minutes after. "They went to train for the match and I was gonna go just before it starts." He explained, shrugging.

"Oh, Mattia left this morning with them?" She said like a question. Just as Alvaro was about to speak Avani popped up from behind Ava. "Guess who?" Avani asked, giving Ava no time to answer as she sits next to her. Ava giggled and wrapped her arms around her smiling. "I missed you!" She gleamed. "You have to come back for a day to see Emiliana she will be so excited." She gushed, squeezing Avani's arm.

"Yes! I've missed my little bean!" Avani squeaked, then noticed Alvaro. "Oh, Hey Alvaro!" She smiled to him as well waving her long acrylics to him. He smiled and returned a hello. "Hey Ava, Im going now the match is soon and I gotta go." He explained, picking his bag up. Ava stood up and hugged him, kissing his cheek. "See you later, Al."

"Ok now the boy is gone. Let's go get food." Avani declared, standing up; her hand open for Ava. Ava joined her hand and walked of with her to the buffet.

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"Hey guys!" Avani screamed recording all the fans surrounding them in the lobby

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"Hey guys!" Avani screamed recording all the fans surrounding them in the lobby. They began screaming more when she turned the camera around like a selfie. Ava smiled at them, as they began recording her, she happily took pictures with them all.

"Ava!" A small voice called from the midst of all the crowds. She got on her top toes to see a girl she noticed. "Isabella?" She asked as she locked eyes with the girl. Her face lit up and she knew Ava remembered her, she tried to wiggle her way through but couldn't fit and she began to turn red and panicky.

"Hey guys, can you move to the side for a moment so she can get through?" She asked them politely, they happily did so as Isabella began to walk through. Ava crouched down and opened her arms for the girl. "Hey Isabella." She grinned to her, rocking them back and forth. "How have you been?" She asked. after they separated.

"Good, I've been watching you and Mattia! You guys are so cute." She grinned cheekily, ava smiled and tickled her gently. "Thank you hun! Hows school?" Ava asked, standing up now to sit on the fountain. Her face fell, "I don't really have friends, but it's ok." She tried to be happy. Ava frowned and hugged her again, "You live near me right?" She asked her. Isabella nodded.

"How about we show them what their missing and you and I can get the boys and I to pick you up from school one day?" She asked smiling, Isabella's face lit up and she began frantically nodding. "I'll ask my mom, but I have to go." She agreed, hugging Ava one more time then running off.

"AVA!" Someone else yelled as she stood back next to Avani. She glanced to see a girl jumping up, once es he locked eyes with Ava she began speaking again, "HAVE YOU SEEN TIKTOK ROOM?" Ava shrugged and shook her head slowly. "Mattia got into a fight!" someone else yelled. "What?"


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