keep the change

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march 12th; 23:41

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march 12th; 23:41

I grabbed a box of gatorade and reached up to put it on the shelf. I let out a sigh of relief as I began to wheel the empty cage to the back of the store. I began to walk back to the till when I heard screams and laughter, I began to walk faster so I could see who they were but when I got to the aisle closest to the till. I saw no one.

"What you looking for?" a voice behind me said all of a sudden. I jumped and turned around to see one of the boys from last week. Today he was wearing a soccer kit and he was towering about a foot over me. He smirked at my jump and leaned his body on the shelves next to him. "Jesus. You scared the life out of me!" I exclaimed crossing my arms in anger. But I was far to distracted to by his face.

He rolled his eyes and walked out of the aisle in silence to the exit. I watched his from a distance as he got closer, his four friends from the other day met him there with a bunch of food in their arms. They didn't pay for that! I was about to run after them but they had already left. I sighed in defeat and walked to the till. What's that? There was a piece of paper on the till. I grabbed it and I saw a 20 dollar bill and a folded piece of paper. I slowly opened it.

keep the change, - mp

keep the change, - mp

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march 14th 20:03

It's my first time doing the night shift since the last event. I have spent the last 2 days wondering what the hell mp meant? Maybe he meant mvp and forgot the v? Or maybe it was slang, I should probably look it up on urban dictionary. Could be a gang. I laugh at my stupid thoughts and go back to my magazine.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw a young couple rush through the entrance and down to the condom aisle. Shocker. They ran over shortly and a packet of condoms lay on the conveyor belt. The woman stood in front of the man, I threw up silently. I scanned the item as they threw me a 10 then rushed out. I giggled then went back to my magazine, what a great time to be alive.

I watched the clock in front of me move very slowly it was about 22:30 and I still had a couple hours left of my shift

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I watched the clock in front of me move very slowly it was about 22:30 and I still had a couple hours left of my shift. I heard the bell signalling someone has walked in. I saw the boys from a couple weeks and days ago walk through. I stretched my neck but I only saw 4 not 5. I frowned for some unknown reason, as the boy from two days ago was no where to be seen.

I watched them waiting for them to walk down the food aisle but they didn't they walked towards the till. I sat up immediately and looked down pretending as if I didn't see them. They came over and surrounded the till. I remembered the boy who told me his name. Alejandro? I glanced up anxiously and saw them all smirking at me. I laughed nervously and waved. "We are inviting you to hang out with us on Saturday." The smallest one said. I tilted my head and looked at him in confusion.

"No offence but I don't even know your names?" I asked like a question. They chuckled at once. "Im Kairi" The small one said. The boy next to him then continued, "He's small it's easy to remember, I'm roshaun." The boy with the edgar haircut spoke next, "alvaro."

"Ok fair enough, I'm Ava." I smiled at them. I looked over to the entrance once more to see if their friend would follow shortly. I heard a low laugh erupt from them all. "If your looking for lover boy he isn't here." Alvaro says. I blush and look away. "No, I-I don't like him." I admit. "Yeah yeah. Anyways he's the reason we are here." Roshaun explains like it's obvious.

Why would he be the reason they are here, but not be here himself? "What do you mean?" I ask. Alejandro sighs and shakes his head before leaning over the counter, "He won't shut up about you. So we decided to surprise him." He explains. "With you!" Kairi screams. Oh my that was adorable.

I think for a second. This could be a prank, why would a group of hot boys ask me of all people to hang out with them? What if it's a big prank, what if this mysterious "lover boy" doesn't even like me? The reasons I shouldn't are endless.

"What time?"

"What time?"

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