what game

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"IMMA GO FIND AVANI." ava said as she left the boys in their room and was going to find her room with Avani for the weekend. "Be safe." Mattia said, as she walked out the door. She stopped and nodded before walking out. He watched her walk out and watched the door close; when he returned to his previous spot they were all looking at him.

"What? Why you looking at me like that?" He snarled, they stood with smirks on their face watching him. "Be safe." Kairi mocked, in a girly voice. Roshaun laughed and wrapped his arm over Kairi. Mattia groaned and rolled his eyes, turning around so he couldn't see them.

"Your so whipped!" Alvaro giggled, sitting on the bed. Mattia turned and looked at him dryly, "I am not whipped. Thank you, rat face." Alejandro rolled his eyes and came to stand next to Mattia. "You are." He argued. "No I'm n-" Mattia began to argue until there was an abrupt knock at the door.

"Wassup my dudes!" Josh said waltzing into the room as if he never caused the issue between Mattia and Ava. "Nothing." Mattia snarled and walked into the bathroom slamming the door. Josh watched him with confusion on his face, "what happened with him?"


"What number are you?" Ava asked on the phone to Avani as she stood alone in the corridor. "603 but let me get rid of Anthony first." she giggled. Ava threw up in her mouth slightly, "It's ok i'll give you 10 minutes." She finalised before ending the call.

"I'll just go back to the boys room." She decided walking over to the elevator. She stood facing the elevator doors until someone tapped on her shoulder. She spun on her heel to see her favourite person. Cynthia.

"What?" She asked, staring into her eyes. Cynthia smiled, holding her bag in her hand. "I just wanted to see how you were." She said trying to seem sincere but ava saw right through it. "Ok." She replied, bluntly turning her back to her.

The lift came and Ava stood in to it as did Cynthia. "Where are you going?" She asked, leaning against the mirror in the elevator. Ava stared at her into her eyes, "Mattia's room." Cynthia flashed a pale colour but covered it fairly quickly.

She smiled widely, and reached out to touch Ava's arm. "Same! He just invited me!" Ava groaned and stepped out of the elevator as it stopped on Mattia's floor. "Really that's weird seeing his phone died on the way. But hey if you are going to his room show me the way." Ava gloated, stopping at letting Cynthia lead the way.

Cynthia walked up into Ava's face, "I don't like you, you think your better than me." She observed. Ava laughed in her face, then got even closer into her face. "I don't think i'm better than you I know. I don't know what game your trying to play here, but i'm telling you you don't want to play it with me." She declared.

She stared into Cynthia's eyes for a couple more seconds then walked towards Mattia's room, Cynthia standing in the corridor behind Ava's words.

"I THINK AVANI AND ANTHONY were having the dirty if you know what I mean

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"I THINK AVANI AND ANTHONY were having the dirty if you know what I mean." Ava stared waltzing into the room, laughing as her playlist pass waved around her neck. However the girl soon stopped laughing when she heard no one replying or laughing along with her.

"What happened to you lot?" She asked jokingly as she turned to face them on the other side of the room. She saw Ale, Alvaro, Roshaun and Kairi all standing around each other, and a random boy lying along the bed. He was watching her closely.

"hey, I'm josh." He greeted smirking at her while looking her up and down. She returned a fake smile to him, then focused back on her friends. "Where's Mattia?" She asked, noticing the boy wasn't in the room. Better not be messing with some chick. Kairi pointed to a door behind her where Mattia was behind.

"Mattia come out." She said knocking on the door. She heard a scoff come out of his mouth and a loud bang. "I ain't coming out till that bitch leaves." He retaliated. Ava's brows creased as she thought of he was talking about. "Who's the bitch?" She asked audibly not noticing that he was talking about Josh. But then he swung the door open and marched out looking Josh in the eye. "That bitch."


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