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1 week later

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1 week later

Ava sat in the chair, leaning back as she spun around and around on the chair. She glanced up at the security camera to see some lady dropping milk on the floor, the carton burst on the floor and spilt all over the floor. She snorted and laughed, as she watched the tall slim lady run away awkwardly from the mess. "Bitch." She muttered under her breath despite the fact no one was in the room.

She shuffled forward as she pressed on to the microphone, "Cleaner to aisle 8, please." She said over the tannoy. 17:30. She read on her phone, slightly smiling at the fact she only had 30 minutes left until her shift ended. Today her shift was in the security room, unlike her normal cashier shift. And her shift was shorter than normally. Ava had been working at the supermarket for about a year now, and she never really minded it.

Of course, it made her days long- but she was enrolled in online school, looking after her little siblings and working at the supermarket. She had given up school 2 years ago- to look after her family. She never really had to she had family- her mum and dad were at home. Well "at home" was a stretch, they were constantly working late nights and going away on business trips. But Ava sucked it up, she knew it was for the best.

hey hunny me and your father
are going to be away this
week, but we will see you, sami
and jenny next week! 💕
luv you hunny !
read at 17:34

She sighed and laughed at her moms text message, it wasn't a shock to her but at least her mom told her this week sometimes she doesn't even know.

hey babe! what time you
finishing, be here for
quarter past six please
your girl has a date!

congrats hun! be over at 6:10!

She heard a knock at the door so she turned to see someone at the door, Alison- her manager. Ava smiled at the older lady as she stood up of the chair. "Hey darling. It's quarter to six you can go if you want now." She said sweetly. Alison was one of the nicest people Ava had met, she was almost like her mother figure. "Ok, are you sure?" She asked as she already began picking her coat and bag up.

"Positive, your young go enjoy your life!" She exclaimed as she gushed her out of the room. Ava smiled at the lady, she loved Alison as if she was her family and she was positive she did too. Ava rushed out of the supermarket to the car park. At this time the car park was normally empty, especially since
Ava parked as far away as possible.

"What the hell?" She asked as she saw a car right next to hers, a black mercedes with quite a few bodies inside of it. She hesitantly walked over to her car, holding her keys tight in her hands. But just as she got close enough she saw a tall figure leaning against her car. Her breath stalled and she apprehensively approached her car. "Shit!" she yelled as she got close enough.

"Mattia!" She yelled as her small legs began to run over to the boy she was so fond of. He smirked, and pushed his body of the car to meet her excitement. She leaped into his arms, her wrapping around her neck tightly his in turn snaking around her waist. His hands felt cold against her black hoodie, his head laying in her neck. "I missed you, princess." He whispered to her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him as she removed her body from his. His cheeks turned red as he avoided eye contact. "I missed you a lot." He whispered, barely audible to her. She giggled as she brought him back into her arms, "I missed you too, dumbass." Her phone buzzed, making her once again release from his grip.

are you on your way?

She sighed, texting her back that she was on the way. "Can I come?" She heard a voice from above her, she looked to see Mattia looking at her as well. She smiled at the soft boy and nodded. "Good, can't let you go that easy."

supermarket  - 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐀 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐈𝐎Where stories live. Discover now