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get your tissues out

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get your tissues out

"IM BORED!" AVA COMPLAINED to Mattia as she lay on her bed. They had arrived home not long ago now and to Ava's surprise the boys had left the house with her sister of course. "I don't care." Mattia said as he sat on her vanity looking at her makeup products. She sighed and got onto her feet to see what he was doing.

Mattia jumped slightly as he felt a pair of arms fall over his shoulders and clasp one another. He turned his head to his right to see Ava's head leaning on his shoulder. "What you doing?" She asked in a whisper. He leaned his shoulder back on her shoulder as well, "Looking at your makeup." He responded casually while picking up her concealer.

"Stop, your gonna mess it up." Ava complained and pulled out of his hand and let her arms fall from him. Mattia groaned and slumped onto her bed his long body taking up one side. Ava lied on the other side and faced Mattia. "Why did the boys leave I thought they would stay." She moaned, and fake pouted as if to get sympathy.

Mattia took a deep breath, then looked over to Ava into her eyes. He had been nervous to say something until now but he couldn't think of a better time. "I uh asked them to leave." He admitted in one breath. Ava tilted her head, and narrowed her eyes. "What?" She asked, before nervously chuckling.

Mattia didn't say a word but got off the bed to his nike back back. "Wait. Are you gonna shoot me?" She said while wiping her palms on her sweats. He held his bag in his hand but turned to look at the estranged girl, "No, why would i kill you after all the effort i put in? Give me a few months." He joked around his eyebrow raising. Ava puffed and rolled over to face the window instead.

After a few seconds, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. "What?" She whimpered, reluctantly turning on her side to face Mattia. He was sat up compared to her lying down, and had an envelope in his hand. "What? What is this, Tia?" She questioned also sitting up.

"You remember how you said you always wanted to finish senior year in a real high school?" Ava's mouth was wide open and her eyes bulged out. But nether less she nodded. So he put out his hand which still contained the envelope. She watched him carefully and took the envelope from him. It seemed as if the world was slowed down as she began opening up the envelope. "Read it out loud."

"Dear Miss Ava Rose, under strict advice and under legal services we have been obliged to offer you a place at Passaic Valley High School..." She trailed of after the shock of the first sentences. "You got me into a school?" Ava screamed to him. He nodded fast, and before he could think about it Ava had put her body against his. Her tears began to soak his white shirt, as she endlessly whispered thank you in his ear.

"I- Mattia im so thankful. But there is no way i can afford this. I need to work to pay for everything. I'm sorry." She sobbed, tears of appreciation still falling down her face. He leaned forward to place his lips on her forehead for a moment while he pulled something out of his back pocket. "Here."

Ava looked up to see another envelope; she wasted no time and opened it up. "Tia..." She blabbed when she saw the contents. "It's too much!" She claimed when she saw the check. He opened his arms for Ava and which she happily accepted. "It's my check from social bash, i want you to have it." He concluded as he rubbed her back. "Tia. I can't." She howled into his neck.

"If you won't do it for me do it for Emiliana." He said, she nodded even though he didn't see. "Ok, Tia. I really am thankful for this. Fuck cynthia." She joked, her face still wet; Ava pushed him on the bed and cuddled into his chest. "I forgive you." She finished before falling asleep.

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@ avarxsee: we aren't dating but i think i love him

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@ avarxsee: we aren't dating but i think i love him

@ user1: same tho

@ user2: i think that's different hun

@ kairi.premium: madness

@ avarxsee: cant help it 🥺

@ roadmanmattia: aww you a softie 🥺

@ roshauna: and you a simp.

@ user3: woah i swear you just hated him

@ avarxsee: woah i swear you just sucked my dick

@ avarxsee: ion give a fuck i said what i said 🤝


@ avarxsee: yes i did periodt

@ user5: mattia + ava 🤝😌

@ cynthiaparkerr: lol that's what you think

@ avarxsee: this bitch dumb she really dumb.

@ roadmanmattia: mhmm

@ roadmanmattia: mhmm

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