very much

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"I FEEL LIKE I'M GUCCI MANE IN 2006." The sound blasted through the phone as Ava and Avani stood in front of the mirror as they recorded it. They watched the tiktok back before deciding to post it. It was 11pm and they had been making tik toks for about an hour now, and had just finished the last one. "I'm tired. I wanna sleep." Avani complained while snuggling into Ava's sheets where Mattia had been not that long before.

"Go to sleep then." Ava suggested kindly while picking up some clothes from her floor. Avani nodded, no audible response given as she began to fall into a slumber. Ava decided to have a shower as her friend slept on her bed. She selected some clothes then walked to her little sister's room to check on her first. She knocked twice before walking into Emiliana's room. "Hey, honey." She whispered due to the late time.

Emiliana was lying on her bed, lightly asleep under he sheets until Ava's words distracted her out of her sleep. "Ava?" She mumbled as she turned her small body towards the door where ava stood. Ava shushed her whole closing the door. She sat on Emiliana's bed and used her fingertips to brush her hair out of her face. "Ava." Her sister whispered while moving over to give Ava space to lie next to her. She moved her body adjacent to Emiliana's and brought her sister's body into hers. Her little sister's cheek hid into Ava's sweatshirt, her arms looped around Ava's neck.

"What's wrong baby?" Ava asked her quietly while combing her hand through Emiliana's hair gently. Emiliana sniffled as if she was crying as she hugged on to her older sister tighter. "When will mummy and daddy come home?" She asked in a hushed tone- clearly afraid to ask her. Ava froze and hugged Emiliana tighter while trying to think of an answer. "They will be home soon baby. I promise you." Ava replied as she felt her sister's weight become heavy on to her.

"I love you Ava. Very much." She barely spoke as she began to fall asleep fast. Ava smiled even though no one could see her. "I love you too baby. Very much." were her last words before she fell into a deep slumber, immune to the fact she was going to have a shower. But that didn't seem important to her anymore.

IT HAD BEEN ABOUT AN hour since Ava woke up and she was currently down stairs by herself making pancakes for Emiliana, Avani and herself

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IT HAD BEEN ABOUT AN hour since Ava woke up and she was currently down stairs by herself making pancakes for Emiliana, Avani and herself. She was about to pour the first cup of mixture into the pan when Avani waltzed into the kitchen. Her hair was thrown into a sloppy bun as she wore a t short from Ava's closet. In the past day that had become close, Ava had never really had a friend so it felt good to finally have someone to talk to. Besides her new found group of boys.

"Morning!" Ava greeted her as Avani sat on a bar stool by the kitchen island. Avani didn't smile as she gripped her phone tighter in her hand. At first Ava didn't notice her odd behaviour until she turned to see her in the same position. "Avani are you ok?" Ava asked inquisitively while leaning over the counter, her elbows stabilising her. Avani shook her head as she looked at her phone.

After wrestling with her thoughts Avani opened her phone and after a couple seconds of tapping she found what she had been looking for. She glanced at Ava once before passing the phone over to her via the island countertop. Ava furrowed her eyebrows at her out of the ordinary actions but picked up the phone none the less. Her eyes scanned the phone rapidly, to see her worst nightmare on her screen. Cynthia. But she wasn't alone next to her stood Mattia.

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