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ALVARO OPENED THE DOOR to see Ava and her little sister next to her holding her hand

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ALVARO OPENED THE DOOR to see Ava and her little sister next to her holding her hand. Emiliana smiled and ran forward to hug the small boy's leg then ran past him, to go somewhere else even though it wasn't her house. Ava rolled her eyes at her sister's recklessness and also brought herself forward to hug Alvaro as well. "I'm sorry I've been gone." She said while bringing herself out of his arms. He nodded then whispered in her ear, "It's not your fault."

Ava opened Alvaro's bedroom door, to see Alejandro, Kairi, Roshaun and her favourite person Mattia. She went round hugging them all except Mattia then laid herself on Alvaro's bed. The room was silent until the door was opened by a small body.  Emiliana stepped into the room and moved over to her sister, "I'm lonely." She complained while sitting on Ava's legs. She had yet to look up get and held herself with her arms.

She glanced up to see her favourite boy, Mattia. She yelped and ran to his arms almost instantly and hopped herself around him.

Mattia looked over at Ava to see if she was mad or would she even let him touch her sister. She nodded once at him then turned back to her phone, a look of disappointment falling on her face. She didn't even want to look at Mattia, it made her want to cry. Knowing that no one told her he was coming, after everything that happened. So she nodded at him purely to let him be, and not cause any more drama. Until she punches him.

"Mattia! Where have you been?" Emiliana asks, Mattia's hands resting on her back so she didn't fall. "I've just been away." He nods smiling softly and using one hand to brush her hair of her face. Ava was watching them out of the corner of their eye, everyone was honestly. "Are you back now?" She asked him. Mattia looked at Ava in urgency but she avoided his eye line.

"Ale, i'm bored." Alejandro's brother complained as he also entered the room. Roshaun smiled and got up to tap Emiliana on the shoulder, "Hey sweetie why don't you hang out with him instead?" He said to try kill the tension. She nodded and got of mattia before running out with Emiliano.

"Ava your phone is ringing." Kairi said as his torso lay off the bed and his legs on it. Ava turned to see Kio's name flashing across the screen. She picked it up fast and just as she was about to accept it Alejandro spoke up. "Who is it?" He inquired while lying half on Alvaro's "Kio." Ava mouthes before accepting the call.

"Kio?" She asked softly while fidgeting on her heels. No words came out of his mouth on the opposite end. Only loud breathing, weirdly. "Hello?" She repeated making the boys look at each other confused. "Uh Kio. Don't stop." Someone moaned on the other side of the phone and then again. Ava froze in her place as she listened to the sinful words come out her mouth. Whoever she was.

Ava ended the call then threw the phone on the bed away from sight for her to see. "Are you ok? Ava?" Kairi asked walking over to touch her on her back. His simple action made her fall to her knees. He followed her and wrapped his arms around her trembling body. "What happened?" Alejandro asked, stepping over to also comfort Ava.

"Kio. He was with someone else." She spoke into Alejandro's shoulder as he stroked her hair lovingly. Alvaro looked over at Mattia who looked concerned but what could he do after he basically done the same thing? Alvaro pointed at Ava subtly then beckoned him over. But he said 🗿.

After a few minutes she briskly picked herself up and grabbing her things and mumbling under her breath.
"What?" Roshaun asked standing up also. Ava looked up at him suddenly, she gulped and said, "It's always me every boy fucks me over. I guess I know where I should stand." While looking at Mattia, she grabbed her bag and walked out of the room.

After the door slammed Kairi looked over at Mattia who was still looking where Ava last stood. "You fucked up." He said to him. Mattia nodded in response before reluctantly turning his head to his friends. "I did but I think i know how to fix it.

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@ ava

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@ ava.exclusive: tired of being fucked over. might go off for a bit. #fuckmattia #fuckkio

@ user1: well you asked for the attention hun ✌️😚

@ ava.exclusive: omg your right! i asked to be bluntly lied to twice! your so smart! now fuck off and go play with barbie you 10 year old shit

@ user2: kio? 😳

@ ava.exclusive: yes problem?

@ kairipremium: woah, she said idgaf

@ ava.exclusive: haha. i did- you next?

@ user3: say less

@ alavroito: aww baby

@ user4: kio is so fine 🤤

@ ava.exclusive: kio is so cheaty 🤤

@ roadmanmattia: lemme come over

@ ava.exclusive: i will cut your neck, you big dinasour fuck

@ ava.exclusive: i'll think about it

exclusive: i'll think about it

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