the boys

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march 21st, wednesday 03:42

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march 21st, wednesday 03:42

I swigged a bottle of water and placed it on the side as I leaned back in my chair. I yawned trying not to fall asleep my shift ended at 4 and I was trying to last the next minutes. No one has come into the shop in the pass 3 hours. I mean I get it who goes to a supermarket at the crack of dawn.

I decided to get up and go walk around before the end of my shift. I walked down the aisles glancing around, it was tempting to not eat the food. A bitch was hungry. After 5 or so minutes I started to walk back to my desk. When I got close I saw a tall body hunched over my desk. They looked like they were in pain.

So I rushed over to their side. I lightly pressed my hand on their back leaning over to see their face. I assumed the man was a teenager due to the smoothness of the skin. They flinched slightly at my hand before he turned around to me.

Mattia? It was Mattia, his face was all puffy and his eyes were watering. My face softened at the sight of his face, he saw my face and started crying harder. I slid my hand to the nape of his neck and pushed it down, so his head laid on my shoulder. His arms snake around me in response so I did the same to him. While hugging him I lifted my wrist to look at the time. 6:54.

Fuck it, I thought so I removed his arms from me and grabbed his hand pulling him to the locker room. He dragged behind me his sniffles leaving a trail behind me. I walked into the locker room and sat mattia down on the sofa. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in between his legs.

"What's wrong?" I ask him after a couple minutes of silence. He doesn't respond, he only snuggles his head into my stomach. I run my hands through his hair in response to him. And for what felt like minutes we stood there together.

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@ mattiapolibio
sin city

@ crackmedeetz
sir... this is chilli's

@ user
who's she?

@ crackmedeetz
doja cat

@ user
oh she rich rich

@ crackmedeetz
nah she broke, cause she spent her money on a      iphone 11 😌

@ alejandrorosario
is that your uniform 🤮

@ crackmedeetz
that's not very cash money of you 😚✌️

@ kairi.consentino
absolutely right sir

@ user
how does she know the boys? 😳

@ crackmedeetz
... the boys?

@ mattiapolibio
ah haha...

tia🥺the thing is

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the thing is...

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