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Jungkook was walking to the room with another man, who was guiding him. They stopped in front of a white door with a golden number on it.

The number was 42.

The man in front of Jungkook, was smaller than him but had black glasses, black hair with a bowlcut, a black suit, just like Jungkook, and was holding a black suitcase. He knocked on the door and waited.

After a few seconds another man in a black suit, this time taller than Jungkook, opened the door and let them in.

Jungkook entered the big room and looked around. Most of the forniture was white. There were two big windows, that showed the whole city and in the middle of the room was a wooden, oval table. Around the table was a big white leather sofa and on both sides another two white couches.

Jungkook didn't really notice other details of the room because his eyes stopped at the blonde woman, sitting on the sofa with crossed legs, looking at him. She was wearing, of course, a white dress and white high heels. She had a white manicure and her hands were resting on her lap.

It was obvious, that her favorite color was white.

Jungkook had made eye contact with her and they looked at each other for a few seconds.

She had brown eyes, some make up but not too much and a red lip stick.

Jungkook put his hands in front of himself and bowed.
The woman tilted her head a bit at his action.

"Please, sit down.", she spoke and Jungkook did as she said.

He sat on the couch next to her and saw, how the two men, her bodyguards, were standing now on the door.

He had spread his legs a bit and leaned back looking at the woman.

She scanned him at first as if she was trying to guess, if he was a real person or not but then she cleared her throat and straightened her back.

"Would you like something to drink? ", she offered him but he shook his head.

"Alright, let's start off then.", she said and leaned back again.

"At first, thank you for coming here. It was better to talk in person about your task than on the phone. We're not the only players in this game."

Jungkook was looking at a flower on a shelf next to the door and was listening carefully. He already knew, what his task was gonna look like, but he needed more information.

"You have to be a bodyguard to someone, and to be exact, to the son of one very rich businessman in South Korea.", she continued and looked at Jungkook who turned his head to her.

"He pays well, but this is not everything. You need to be my spy. You need to find out more about his personal life since neither I nor one of my men can do it. We kinda had a fight with him and he owes me ten million dollars."

Jungkook's look got more serious as he heard the price. Ten million dollars? That was a lot of money.

The woman looked at him and a small smile shaped on her lips as she looked at her hands.

"I know you're wondering but I can't tell you more. It was a favor I had to do him and he never paid. He just disappeared out of the country but now he needs a bodyguard for his son."

Jungkook looked down at his own hands, then back at the woman. That wouldn't be this hard, he thought.

The woman looked at the one bodyguards and nodded at him to come. He was holding the suit case.

Jungkook followed him with his gaze, how he came near and put the suitcase on the table.

He looked then at the young woman and she looked back at him.

"The price you'll get is inside this suitcase. One million dollars in cash. You just need to take care of his son in the next two months and get information about his father, where is he and how we can get him. After this we will do our job and you can do whatever you want with his son. You can kill him, I don't care. But until then you must take care of him like he's the only thing you need in your life. His father shouldn't think, that it's us or else he will get scared and we might not be able to find him anymore. Its really important, Mr. Jeon. ", she finished her sentence and took a breath from talking.

Jungkook looked at her and then at the suitcase. That's what he was here for. He was a son of a mafia boss and nothing could stop him. He was being disciplined for this his whole life.

She took a yellow folder and handed it over to Jungkook. He took it and opened it finding on the first page a photo of a young boy in his age with a straight face,  black hair, and a small undercut. The photo was probably an ID photo. There was also information about him such as his name, age, birthplace and so on.

"This is his son. You will meet him tomorrow at the address written down there around 7 am. And don't be late. I heard his son was not good at being social and communicating with people.", she said and stood up. Jungkook stood up too, closing the folder, and stood in front of her.

The woman came closer to Jungkook and fixed his necktie.

"Be careful, Mr. Jeon. This little asshole can get on your nerves if you have a low temper. Do your best.", she quietly said now and Jungkook nodded.

"I will bring you whatever you ask for from his father, Ma'am.", he spoke now with his deep voice and she smirked.

"We'll stay in touch, Mr. Jeon."


First chapter is a bit boring, I know but from now on it will get more interesting I promise. Thanks for reading tho.

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