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Jungkook had driven Taehyung to his university and decided to talk with his teacher.

While he was walking through the University, Jungkook felt his stomach tense.

He felt sorry, that he never went to university after his graduation. No, he regretted following his father and becoming part of the mafia.

And even tho, he always hated going to school, he always knew, that he wants to go to university.

Like this one.

He liked arts, but he never told anyone about it.

He loved to draw, he was drawing a lot when he was younger.

Going to university, living in one of the flats, sharing a room with a roomate, going to the library, learning more about the arts history, singing or producing songs.

Like he was starting his new life as an adult.

He looked around and thought, that here would be an amazing place to live and study. For a moment he didn't even understand why Taehyung didn't like visiting his university.

If he had this chance, he should use it because some people had never the chance too and hope every day for a better life.

As he found his teacher he asked him to sit in one empty room. The teacher was middle age, probably European or half Asian?

He had straight, dark blonde hair with black glasses and beard. He was maybe a centimeter bigger than Jungkook.

Both sat down after introducing themselves.

"I am here to talk about Kim Taehyung. He's probably one of your students, right?", Jungkook asked and the man nodded, raising his head a bit after he heard the name.

"Oh yeah, Taehyung... He's in my arts class.", the man started and skratched his beard.

Jungkook shifted on his place. He had never such a talk.

"I'd like to find out more about him. I heard, that he's... Not really social with others and that makes me think, that he might be aggressive against others?"

Jungkook tried to form out, what he really wanted to know and even used to do some gestures with his hands while talking.

The teacher suddenly smiled and looked for a second down and then again at Jungkook.

"I'm sorry but I never asked you who you actually are. His brother? Step brother? Friend? Because this is personal information and I can't just give it like this to random people."

Jungkook looked to the side and kept quiet for a moment.

Could he say that he was his bodyguard?

Because he was actually nobody to Taehyung and he had no right to ask such questions about him.

But he didn't want to lie. So he figured it out quickly.

"His father is gone and let me look for Taehyung, because I'm a trusted person in his friend zone."

'Okay, that was half lie.'

The man in front of Jungkook scanned him a bit unsure but nodded slowly.

"Ah yeah... I see... Well..."

"You can call Mr. Kim if you don't believe me.", Jungkook gave him now a keyword, that he ain't lying but the teacher shook his head.

That's how Jungkook did when he didn't say the whole truth. It secured him because often, the people in front of him believed him, also due to how confident Jungkook looked and talked.

"It's okay, I believe you. I know his father. Well okay but this might take a time.", the teacher continued and leaned back.

Jungkook had time.

"Taehyung is a very unique person. He's a hidden talent, but you're right, he isn't social at all. I don't know the whole reason but what I know is, that Taehyung was bullied in high school but not those bullies, you can ignore. It was too intense. Smoking, drugs, alcohol, they pulled Taehyung into this and he was arrested three times because of  them, even though Taehyung never took any drugs. He was only smoking, drinking and had played once in a casino when he was 16."

Jungkook listened and imagined all the things. He started being curious and wanted to know more. It's not that Jungkook haven't smoked when he was 16...

"Those years were horrible for Taehyung. He was having depressions and I don't think he had so eine on his side. Also, there was a time, where he was discovering his identity and many found out, that he's not like the guys with the suits you see on the street. "

Jungkook was confused. What is this supposed to mean? Not like the guys with the suits?

He for rowed his brows and looked confused but the teacher didn't tell him more about this.

"Mr. Jeon I don't know much about his past, I know only the basic things. Yes he is kinda aggressive and he had been in troubles also here, but it was never something serious.", the teacher said and seemed, that he didn't want to say more.

Jungkook didn't force him. But there were still some puzzles, that were missing. He wanted to find out, what was going on with Taehyung. He wanted to help him.


Because he was seeing, that Taehyung is hurt and lonely. He was seeing himself when he was a very small kid.

And he hated it.

And he liked Taehyung as a person. He was seeing something really unique in this boy, he couldn't say what but there was something.

Yes, he had not real discipline and was antisocial but Jungkook was sure, that there was a reason behind it and it had to be in Taehyungs past.

Every time he looked Taehyung in the eyes he was seeing a strange shine and warmth in his eyes.

And he looked good. He had a nice shape and nice features.

"Are you from Europe?", Jungkook suddenly asked, he didn't know why, maybe to stop thinking about Taehyung too much.

The teacher was a bit surprised.

"I'm half german and half Chinese. I grew up in Germany tho but how did you know? Except, that my face doesn't really look Asian.", he laughed and Jungkook smiled a bit.

"You have a very small accent."

"Many people don't hear it but I see you listen carefully."

"You also don't really look Asian."

The teacher smirked and pulled of his glasses.

"That's because of the glasses.", he said and now Jungkook could really see, that his eyes were kinda sharp.

"Oh yeah."

He sat his glasses again and sighed standing up.

"I would gladly talk more but this would be too much and also, I have a class in few minutes.", he said and Jungkook stood up shaking his hand.

"Thank you."


Outside of the building, Jungkook drove to a small bar so he can order his thoughts until it was time for him to pick Taehyung up.

He was drinking a beer and was thinking.

He knew, that he had to ask Taehyung to tell him more, but he knew Taehyung wouldn't share so much.

'Keep going, Jungkook.', he told himself and took a sip from the bottle.

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