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"J-Jungkook please...", Taehyung begged the other, but Jungkook felt, how his blood went down and he had no space in his pants anymore.

He got a boner because Taehyung had called out his name?

But not only called, but he also moaned it out and Jungkook's heart started beating faster.

What's happening, Jungkook asked himself.

That had never happened to Jungkook before, it was so hard for him to keep control over himself, and only because of a boner?

Of course, he had also in the past such situations with the boner but this time it was different and... It was because of a guy.

And the view of Taehyung, sitting there on the ground, holding his member in his hand, head leaned back against the wall and looking with this needy look at Jungkook.

This worried the man a little bit.

Once again, since a long time he couldn't understand his feelings and he was already out of puberty.

He didn't let his mind lead him. That was wrong.

Without saying anything, he just left the room, closing the door again.

After almost an hour Taehyung was looking for Jungkook. He had to explain to Jungkook. It was so embarrassing... He never thought this would happen.

But he also had questions to ask Jungkook because he had seen, how Jungkook's eyes changed and he also saw the bulge in his pants.

Maybe not today, it was Taehyng's fault anyway and Jungkook had to know what just happened.

The brunette found Jungkook sitting in the garden on one of the garden chairs, staring at one point. 

He took a deep breath and walked over to the other, sitting down next to him.

Jungkook didn't move or pay attention to Taehyung.

Maybe he was confused, not less than Taehyung.

"Jungkook-", Taehyung started but couldn't hold himself back to glance down at Jungkook's pants. He still had a bulge, just smaller than before.

"I can explain. Maybe you're confused, I am too and... I didn't want this to happen... I don't know I just had this urge..."

He blushed a bit while talking and looked away from Jungkook, who still didn't show any reactions.

"Maybe we should tell each other how we feel.", Taehyung suggested and face palmed himself in his thoughts.

That was so stupid.

"It's alright.", the bodyguard finally spoke and turned his head towards Taehyung.

They both made eye contact but didn't hold it for more than a few seconds.

"Yeah.", Taehyung mumbled quietly and played with his fingers. He remembered the feeling of releasing on his own hand after Jungkook left and he had imagined how Jungkook is doing it.

He frowned at the thought of this. 'What the hell Taehyung?'

"Let's go inside.", Taehyung said and stood up, going inside. It was too awkward.

For the next three days, nothing much happened. Both didn't talk so much with each other and looked forward to avoiding each other.

The situation from last time just confused both too much, Jungkook just didn't show it.

He washed Jungkook's dishes, made him breakfast, and hung to Jungkook like a little kid that wants a toy from his dad and is doing everything for him to get it.

But on the fourth day, Jungkook lost his temper, even tho he was a really calm and disciplined person. He also had his limits.

Just as Taehyung was about to take his dish and clean it Jungkook stood up and took his own dish looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked surprised at him and blinked.

The male's eyes were darker than usual, he put the plate down on the table and put his hands on the table, leaning on them and staring directly into Taehyung's eyes.

"What is happening with you?"

"Nothing, what should happen?"

"Don't lie to me, Taehyung.", Jungkook raised his voice and scared the other a little bit.

He stepped back and sank his head low.

Jungkook was waiting for an answer.

"I just...", he started but couldn't finish. He wasn't good at telling the truth. He was lying too much and he knew this.

"I already know, just say the truth.", Jungkook's voice was now normal and there was some warmth. But his look was the colder one.

Taehyung sighed and bit his lip. It was so hard for him to say the truth, his brain just didn't allow him to open his mouth.

He was afraid, so afraid and this fear was eating him. It made his chest ache.

Come on, Taehyung. You should learn to say the truth, you can't live only in lies.

"Ijustfeelawkwardbecauseofwhathapoenedandidontknowhwatishappeningijustthingioweyousomething.", he brought the sentence so quickly out, that Jungkook had troubles understanding it. Eventually, he understood.

He relaxed now and didn't lean his hand onto the table anymore, looking warmer at Taehyung for the first time.

"Was it this hard?"

Taehyung nodded and had bitten his teeth together. What will happen now? Is he gonna judge me? Criticize me? Think wrong of me?

"You did well. Next time don't speak too fast.", Jungkook said and Taehyung raised his head in surprise.

No punishment or anything?


Taehyung did as told and the bodyguard sat down too.

"You don't owe me anything. I am not here to judge, punish or make you down. My task is to protect you from people who try to hurt you. But I can't protect you from yourself. It's all in your head. Only you can control it and only you can protect yourself from yourself because this is the hardest thing in life. Saying the truth isn't a crime, it's courage."

Taehyung was listening carefully and wasn't afraid anymore. He felt comfortable listening to Jungkook and it was the first time Jungkook had spoken more than one sentence at once with him.

Jungkook's words touched him.

Like Jungkook knew exactly what was going on in Taehyung's head.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who was resting his eyes on Taehyung. There was no excitement or criticism in Jungkook's words. It was like a life lesson from a best friend.

"Tomorrow I'll drive you to school.", Jungkook announced and stood up, confusing for another time the other male.

"How—", but before he could finish, Jungkook spoke, head turned to Taehyung.

"Taehyung I know more than you think.", and with this said, he left the room, leaving Taehyung behind confused but also kind of relieved.


Some fluff? Why not.

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