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Taehyung was quiet.

He... Wasn't really shocked or surprised...

Indeed, he could imagine Jungkook as a mafia very well, he didn't know why.

But yes, before he thought he's just a bodyguard.

Jungkook a mafia...

'That's hot... No homo.'

Taehyung shook his head to brush off this thought. That was so cringe...

"They wanted to pay me millions to protect you. The deal was to be with you the next two months until your father pays...", Jungkook continued.

Taehyung was confused.

What did the bodyguard thing have to do with his father not paying to someone? But Jungkook like read his mind and answered his question.

"Being your 'bodyguard' was only a lie. The person, who wanted to pay me wanted me to hold you away from your father until he pays, she almost made me kidnap you. But I didn't. Now since your father is killed, I don't think, that this was her plan and I think she tries to get to you, I don't know why. ", Jungkook said and leaned back.

That's it, he told Taehyung almost everything.

Taehyung had no words. He couldn't even believe this story, it was like some American action movie like James Bond or the godfather.

Yes, more like the godfather (if you haven't watched the godfather you can Google what it is about).

His first reaction was just to laugh out.

"Wow. You should become an author."

Jungkook grumbled.

"All I said is true, Taehyung."

"Okay then, drive me to your 'mafia boss' or father.", Taehyung suddenly suggested and threw a challenging gaze at Jungkook.

But Jungkook actually did it.

As they were on the way, Taehyung suddenly spotted a house in one of the more quiet streets.

"Jungkook, stop!", he said, making Jungkook stop.

"What the hell, Taehyung?", Jungkook asked but Taehyung unbuckled his seat belt and jumped out of the car running to the house, that was between other houses.

"Taehyung!", Jungkook called out his name but too late.

He followed Taehyung and saw, that the brunette entered the house.

Wait, what?

Jungkook ran to the house and entered it too finding Taehyung in the kitchen, that was right next to the door.

It seemed like here didn't live anyone since years.

It was dirty and there were cobwebs everywhere. Taehyung looked around.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung.

"This was the house of my second grandma. I lived also with her for a while. She said, that she will give me the house once I grow up and don't want to live with my father so I won't be homeless.", Taehyung explained and Jungkook walked over to him, looking down at the old plates and cups, that were placed next to the sink. They seemed to be cleaned up before.

"What happened?", he asked Taehyung.

"As I was 17 and wanted to break the school, she had left the house to go in the forest, were she had a friend selling honey and berries, but she never came back. Her friend was also never found."

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now