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20 years went like nothing for Taehyung and Jungkook.

(just kidding lol, I wanted to scare the shit out of ya'all.)

The train to Daegu came as expected around 8:02 and Taehyung climbed in, not looking back anymore. It was partly cloudy and a nasty, strong wind was blowing.

In two hours he'd be again in his empty house.

Namjoon was also alone now at his house and kinda missed both, but he had to work so he'd be fine.

He just thought, that when he comes back home nobody's gonna greet him or eat with him.

Jin knew, that Taehyung had left, but he didn't know where's Jungkook.

Nobody did.

Yoosun had also found out somehow, that Jungkook is gone, so there were no attacks between the mafia members.

Jin had given Sehun some days free.

As Sehun pushed the bell on his house, a young, beautiful woman opened the door and covered her mouth as she saw him.

He smiled at her and took her in his arms, she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him.

He kissed her back, closing his eyes. Then he put his head on her chest and she was stroking his head kissing his hair.

"Who is it mommy?", a quiet children voice came from imside.

Both let go of each other and Sehun ran over to the small boy, picking him up. The kid squealed in happiness as he saw him.

"Daddy! You're back!"

Sehun laughed and held his son tight in his arms.

Jimin continued his university in Seoul and sometimes visited Hoseok in the hospital and Yoongi.

The other mafia members were with their families (if they wanted to) and the others were together in the mafias quarters and just spent time with each other.

Jin almost disappeared fully and like the whole world went so quiet.

Three weeks went like this.

A new month was starting.

Taehyung was going to his University and just lived his life. He didn't think about Jungkook much.

That'd make him only weak.

He was reading every day the newspaper and since a while already, there were killed mafia members or rich, businessmen in Seoul, Gwangju and even in Busan.

Maybe every third or fourth day.

And nobody knew, who had killed them.

The police only knew, that its the same sniper again and again. But there were no finger prints or any hint that might lead to the murderer.

He seemed like a professional.

'Yoosun is going up high', Taehyung thought, while eating an apple.

He had met a guy, who was new in his class, and seemed shy but nice. Both were understanding each other well.

His name was Taehyun without the 'G'.

Taehyung thought how cool and funny this is.

They became kinda friends with him, he went with him to the library, both were studying together or even went out for some sports.

He was playing his saxophone again but haven't touched the piano since Jungkook had played on it.

It was all dirty and seemed like it was 50 years old.

Once he heard the piano playing 'someone like you'. Taehyung stood up immediately. That called out memories in his head. He slowly went downstairs, listening.

But as he was about to enter the living room and maybe seeinh Jungkook as expected on the piano, he was kinda disappointed but also in releaf?

Taehyun was sitting on the piano and played, but as he saw Taehyung he stopped and laughed a bit.

"Oh sorry, don't think that I can play, I just learned this from my father.", he spoke to Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled a bit.

His father didn't really teach him anything, but he had been still his father.

The same third week on a Saturday, Taehyung was in the supermarket to buy some things.

He took some chicken Noodle Soup (with a soda on the side), some bread, milk and eggs.

He walked with the cart to the cashier but suddenly froze, as he saw someone standing with his back turned to him, with a black jacket and pulled on hood.

Taehyung frowned.

Why was this shape so familiar to him?

The man had bought only an energy drink.

As Taehyung came near, the man turned around to him, meeting his eyes.

Taehyungs heart made a jump, maybe out of fear.

He couldn't see the person's face, he was wearing a white face mask. What the hell?

But this was only for a second, because the man had to pay now for his drink and disappeared then quickly.

Taehyung was still a bit perplexed?


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