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"Harder Jungkook!"


"Hit it... Yes... Just like this."


"One more time... Yeah... Yeah good..."

Jungkook got down from the chair, his hands on the waist, looking at the photo on the wall. He was holding a hammer and some metal nails in his mouth. (ya all are so dirty minded.)

Taehyung was standing next to him, admiring the hung on photo now.

It was the same evening as Jungkook and Taehyung were followed, Taehyung had a bandage on his arm because of the Skratch.

Jungkook fixed the photo of them both with Namjoon and now he came too, holding a cup and tilting his head.

"Looks nice. Good job you two."

Jungkook decided then to do some work out.

He used Namjoon's garage.

He started with something easy and pulled off his shirt then, doing some push ups.

Taehyung entered the garage and watched Jungkook, smiling.

He got down on his knees, then as Jungkook pushed himself up Taehyung carefully layed down on Jungkook.

Jungkook's muscles and veins showed off and his arms started shaking a bit while he held his own weight and Taehyung.

But he didn't move. Taehyung was amazed by his strength and formed his mouth to an 'o', chuckling then.

"Am I heavy?"

"Nah, you're a good training now."

Taehyung buried his nose in Jungkooks hair and Jungkook started doing slowly pushups, sweating more and breathing faster.

He shut his eyes and did five push ups, then his arms were shaking more but he held tight.

Taehyung got up now and Jungkook sat down, sighing and rubbing his neck. His whole head was red.

Even his ears.

As he was about to do now again push ups, Taehyung rolled under him and smirked at him.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, laughing now a bit and just doing his push ups.

After ten push ups, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, making Jungkook almost fall.


"What? Come on, do more!"

"I can't if you're holding me like this..."

"Really? How tragic."

Taehyung laughed and poked Jungkook's cheek, letting him then do his workout.

He was now cooking with Namjoon.

The next morning nothing much happened.

Jungkook still had a meeting with Jin at evening and brought Taehyung too.

They were again in the bar and this time, while Jungkook was telling them about what happened the day before, Jin didn't seem to be surprised.

Hoseok was in hospital because he had lost much blood and Yoongi had found him, Jimin had escaped somehow, Sehun had helped Yoongi and Hoseok, Xiumin and Chanyeol had killed the other two men except the leader.

Kai, who was sitting next to Taehyung started pinching his ears, wanting only to annoy Taehyung.

Jungkook looked at Jin.

"They might attack when we're more at once."

Jin took a shot from his whisky.

"I don't think so. Its too dangerous. Your father might appear and Yoosun is afraid of him."

Jimin was playing with his hands. Jungkook looked at him, fixing his necktie.

"What's the matter Jimin? You don't talk much."

Jimin shrugged.

Jin seemed to be in thoughts and made Jungkook nervous.

What was he only thinking about? He knew, that Jin knows something he maybe won't like at all.

"Did Namjoon bring the box?", Jungkook asked to distract himself. Jin nodded.

That didn't work.

He was shifting around on the chair. He looked over to Taehyung, who was growling at Kai with his deep voice to leave him alone and so Kai did too, not without smirking.

"Jungkook, come on.", Jin suddenly said, standing up. Jungkook did too, his stomach tensing.

Something was wrong.

He had a bad feeling.

Both went into a secret room and Taehyung only followed them with his eyes, before they disappeared.

Jin sat down in front of Jungkook. He seemed, like he didn't like to tell Jungkook what he had to.

"About Taehyung.", he started, crossing his arms.

Jungkook leaned back, looking down and trying to calm his nerves down.

He was sure, that he didn't want to hear, what Jin was gonna say.

"My men took a closer look at him and his past, just like his family. I think you already know most of the things but... Not everything."

Jungkook listened carefully. He didn't have any expressions, even his eyes were now cold. He just wanted this to end.

"I don't know him as a person, so I can't judge, you know him I think... The best... But I have to warn you. I gave you my agreement to protect him from Yoosun, but I think I know why Yoosun wants him.", Jin continued, holding Jungkook only under pressure.

Jungkook tilted his head, Skratching his head. He didn't want to show how nervous he was.

What if there was something bad behind all this?

That'd ruin his picture for Taehyung.

What if Taehyung was a man of Yoosun or something like this and used Jungkook?

Such questions appeared in his mind, making him more angry and angry.

He might never believe something like this. He had Taehyung with himself two months, he had spent such a great time with him, Taehyung had showed him another side of the life and even some sides of himself he never knew he had, he had even made love with Taehyung and had grown feelings for him.

Yes, Jeon Jungkook was in love.

In love with a handsome, smart and an amazing person.

There was no other like Taehyung.

A lot of time went, but Taehyung waited patiently for Jungkook.

He also had the feeling, that something is wrong.

After maybe ten minutes, the door was opened and just as he was about to tell Jungkook, that they should go home, the next thing he saw hit him in the stomach.

Jungkook walked out of the room, passing by and fully ignoring Taehyung and disappeared. But this wasn't the same Jungkook who entered the room ten minutes before.

It was a fully other person.

Taehyung knew the exact description, since he knew (thanks to Jimin and Yoongi) Jungkook's father and how he looked like.

The person, who left the room was a second shadow of the mafia boss Jeon.

He had dark eyes, a dark and dangerous shine, it wasn't the Jungkook Taehyung knew.

Taehyung was like hit by a thunder.

What had just happened?

Jin got out of the room too, looking at Taehyung, not showing any emotions.

Anger started boiling inside Taehyung and he clenched his fist.

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