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Both boys had climbed a small hill, that had the view of Seoul, especially the Seoul Tower and the other high buildings.

Seoul was far away from them, but still big and colourful.

It was already evening.

Both layed down on the grass next to each other and were watching the stars.

Jungkook found some star signs and showed them to Taehyung, telling him some facts about them.

He also told Taehyung about some amazing facts about the universe Taehyung had never heard and believed. He was amazed of what Jungkook knew about the stars.

The universe was so dark, dangerous and unknown for all humans, no Physic task could ever solve all riddles of it, and yet it was all around us.

All answers were so close, yet so far away from us, waiting to be found.

We'd probably never find out even a half of the universe. Not even five million years would be enough.

And as far as Taehyung knew, in five million years there won't be humans anymore so yeah.

"You see this?", Jungkook drew in the air the star sign that was right over their heads.

He drew a square with a tail.

Taehyung recognised it in the sky and nodded.

"This is the small bear or also called ursa minor, it's latin name. You can see it only when the sky is clear and there are no city lights around us, that shine."

Taehyung frowned.

"What about the lights of Seoul?"

"They're too far away from us so they don't affect our view. There are few legends about the big and small bear. The small bear is part of the big bear."

Jungkook drew with his finger the big bear, that was around the small bear.

"One of the legends says, that Zeus, the Greek god of thunders, had transformed his son and wife into two bears and sent them in the sky to protect them.", Jungkook explained.

Taehyung listened carefully and looked still amazed at the countless stars in the sky.

"The big and small bear are always in North. Here, where we are, on the north side, we always see it like this. If we look at it from Australia, it will be turned around and won't be directly in North. The brightest star, is called Polaris.", Jungkook pointed at the biggest, white dot that was part of the small bear.

Taehyung smiled. He always thought, that astronomy is really interesting.

"What about this... What was its name.. North Cross?", he asked Jungkook.

"Well you can't see the North Cross if you're in Australia. Here... You might see it but only in few months of the year and in Arktis not only polar lights will appear but you'll also see the cross. Well, if you're on the Equator I think you'll see it directly pointing north since you will be on the 0° of the earth and the magnetic field will help you. If you hold a compass it will show you directly where's North so I guess... ", Jungkook skratched his head.

He had got a C in Physics because he was always unsure about what he had learned.

Taehyung kinda understood, what Jungkook said.

He wasn't bad in Physics though and it sounded logical.

"You've studied astronomy?", he asked Junglook.

"I got two fat books about stars and Universum on my 7th birthday and I've read some things. My godfather and my mom knew, that I always asked my dad about the Universum and Stars and since he was busy and never really answered me they got me two books."

Taehyung turned his head around, as Jungkook mentioned his mother.

"What happened to your parents?", he dared to ask Jungkook now.

Jungkook was quiet for a moment. He didn't like to talk about his parents. But this time he decided to do it.

"My father was always gone and my mother and brother were always with me. Also some friends of my mom. Everything was alright until I became 8 and we moved because of my father's work. He started cheating on my mom and decided, that I should take after him the mafia since my brother was 15 and he had left us to study computer science, in other words, my father had no chance with him and to be honest he always liked me more I don't know why."

Taehyung looked again up in the sky, waiting for Jungkook to continue.

"I had to choose between Kung Fu and Taekwondo. I chose Taekwondo and when I was nine I started learning Taekwondo. When I was 11 I got my first gun in my hand and was teached to shoot. I was doing work outs every day and when I was 15 I was a tall, muscular, cold and introverted boy. I was aggressive and everyone was afraid of me. I joined the mafia one year later and killed the first human in my life. Now I'm here."

With this Jungkook ended his talk. He didn't seem to want to talk more and Taehyung understood. Jungkook had said a lot.

"That's harsh. But I guess you are used to this kind of life?", Taehyung asked and Jungkook nodded.

He actually was.

He was teached to control his feelings and emotions. Nobody was here for him and he paved all the way on his own.

"I can't say I grew up without love but in the last 9 years I maybe didn't need so much and didn't show so much."

Jungkook had went through a lot alone and was lonely but that had made him only stronger.

Taehyung imagined what would life be like Jungkook's. When the kids fear you once you enter the classroom and they step back or to see your mother every night crying in the kitchen. Kinda harsh but sad reality.

"Well, my mom and grandparents died, my father was killed, my siblings are gone even though I had still contact with my sister but there's not much to say and you already know most of the things.", Taehyung went by and closed his eyes, his hands under his head.

Jungkook indeed knew the most of the things. Taehyung had taken drugs with 15, was smoking and drinking. He had depressions and became more lonely. All he did this was out of pain. He missed his mother really much.

The bullying in school and almost killing him with an overdose of Kokain wasn't making things great. He had a year therapy when he was 18, stopped drinking, smoking and taking drugs, skipped almost one year school but his life was kinda normal again.

He had started eating again healthy, doing some sports, playing the saxophone, again enjoying his hobbies like drawing, writing and taking photos. He had bought himself the first nice Canon camera when he was 17 and had saved money.

The only problems was still  skipping school sometimes even though he had changed two schools.

Jungkook bit his lip as he imagined again his past.

He felt sadness and pain deep inside. A pain he had never let out and always kept for himself.

Taehyung somehow felt or under stood, that Jungkook's past might have caused him to be sad now so he gently took Jungkook's hand interwining their fingers together.

Jungkook let him do it and took a deep breath feeling better.

Meanwhile some insects had started singing their usual song. This was the sound of a summer evening and both of them loved it.

A summer evening in May.

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now